Movie night.

Somehow my wife and I have gotten into a weekly movie night.
It all started because we have Amazon Prime membership, bought a smart TV and can stream the movies from Amazon using a prepaid card loaded on their site.
No debit card or credit card, just punch in the pin number for the amazon streaming and purchase a movie.
Anyway, Tuesdays are new release dates. So every Tuesday, we either purchase a movie or rent one or find a free movie on Amazon to watch.
At first it was we'll pop up some popcorn (we have one of those movie theater poppers, but smaller version) and watch the movie, but it's advanced to movie and pizza night.
Tonight, we are going to watch Ender's Game.
Anyone have movie night or something like it?
It all started because we have Amazon Prime membership, bought a smart TV and can stream the movies from Amazon using a prepaid card loaded on their site.
No debit card or credit card, just punch in the pin number for the amazon streaming and purchase a movie.
Anyway, Tuesdays are new release dates. So every Tuesday, we either purchase a movie or rent one or find a free movie on Amazon to watch.
At first it was we'll pop up some popcorn (we have one of those movie theater poppers, but smaller version) and watch the movie, but it's advanced to movie and pizza night.
Tonight, we are going to watch Ender's Game.
Anyone have movie night or something like it?
I watch my Netflix on the surround in the living room in the evenings while my wife watches her Netflix in the bedroom in the evenings (we like different type of movies)
does that count lol
Jealous, would have to tie my wife down and drug her to get her to watch those with me lol
that's gonna be a movie night each week ??
Or is that a tragic comedy?
Those are, "Your mom and I are gonna get nekkid." ROFL!
How did you like Ender's Game? I was seriously disappointed by it, but I love the book, so maybe that was why.
On topic, we do a movie night once or twice a week when I am home. I have a TB passport that is almost full of movies, so we either pick something off it, hit up Redbox, Netflix, or Vudu. The best thing is when we do a movie marathon day, normally on a lazy Sunday.
Oh, I kind of missed the point. In the reality of NOW with our family, we do a couple of things like this. I love the prime membership (I didn't quote whoever says they have their relative's careful, Amazon has been known to track IPs and ban any account that might be associated with the both of you. I've heard of people losing all Kindle book purchases because of shared accounts.) We watch a series as a family. Right now, we're finishing up Stargate: Atlantis. We did all of SG1 just before that. Before that it was Trek. Kids didn't like TOS, but we all made it through TNG and DS9. I hate Voyager and the wife lost interest, so that's what the kids get to watch when we want them out of our hair.
The wife is a Downton Abbey addict, so I support that habit by sitting next to her and trying not to fall asleep. (She says it doesn't count if I read or play on my tablet).
We usually watch a movie from Amazon, our collection or Redbox on Friday evening, though. But our classic "couple" time is playing Scrabble. It's a lot more fun with alcohol, and we play with some house rules, but it's the only game she feels she can win against me. We used to do this about three nights a week, but it's more like every other week or more now, for some reason.
Finally, Ender's Game was good. I love the book (my daughter's 6th grade class is assigned to read it right now, and I tried to convince her to tell the teacher I could be a guest speaker, but she just rolled her eyes). The movie has some differences and I worried that people who hadn't read the book would be confused, but I talked to some people who got things I thought they might miss. I thought it was a good book to movie conversion. And an enjoyable movie.
It is common for folks to feel a movie is lacking when it goes to the screen from a book. After all, the only have so many minutes to tell tha story that took you hours to read.
It is hard to be unbiased having read the book, but it really felt like even if I hadn't read the book I still wouldn't have liked it. There is just so much more to the story, not to mentioned they ruined the surprise ending like halfway through the movie. That was one of the best parts of the book, and they just throw it out right in the middle of the movie. It really disappointed me. Some movie translations hold up pretty well; Sphere comes to mind.
We don't speak much the other 8 months of the year.
This was a great movie with a lot of action, comedy and special effects.
I can't remember the last time I went to a movie where the entire theater clapped at the end of the movie.
We will be buying this movie when it comes out on DVD/Blueray.