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Man O' War

madurofanmadurofan Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,152
You guys have seen my reviews by now. I don't go too in to detail and I don't grade cigars, I prefer the RRS scale. Which I can't find again, Ron can you give me that scale again!

Anyways, this cigar probably should have rested longer and I do have another that is resting so I'll revisit but here's the initial impression. "Ehh" It started out very nice and went well with the bourbon I was sipping on. I will say that was a nice pairing Elijah Craig and a Man O' War. However the cigar never became this full bodied flavor house it was advertised as. At best I would say it hit Medium-Full but was closer to Medium for most of the stick. While I noticed a little complexity, they were all subtle no dominant flavors or spices. There was some floral aroma which was interesting and I could taste cashew and earth but when exhaled through the nose the dominant flavor was ammonia. Now I know that is very cubaneque but I had to stop doing it bc it was all ammonia and was ruining my palate. Finally it had hardcore burn and construction issues. She had huge tunnels throughtout the cigar and didn't canoe but rather just burned jaggedly. I was constantly correcting this stick. I wouldn't not recommend this stick I just wouldn't pay a premium for it.


  • Bad AndyBad Andy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 848
    Well that sucks...I was hoping for more on this one. It was supposed to be a strong smoke from my favorite area, Nicaragua. Maybe I will get one on R&R and let it age while I finish my time over here.
  • Smoke=FireSmoke=Fire Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 682
    I prefer the RRS scale. Which I can't find again, Ron can you give me that scale again
    Ahem! Here, in all its glory, is the scale of choice among true conneisuers :P

    Beer [B]Russell's Rating System (insert copyright symbol here)Beer [B]

    Blech! (tastes like s***, actually throw far away and grab fresh cigar to wash the taste out; not happy)

    Meh (definately unimpressed, but I'll smoke it anyway, cause I hate tobacco abuse [read "wastage"])

    Hmmm (the maybe version, mouth turned down, eyebrows raised, pleasantly surprised)

    Mmmmm (the good yummy version, kind of comfortable sounding, look for more in the humi)

    Wow!! (eyes open wide, stunned amazement at flavors, plot to sneak more money from the wife to buy a box)

    Remember, one GoF royalty per quote >.>
  • Smoke=FireSmoke=Fire Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 682
    LMAO...and when I tried to bold the title, I got beers instead. I think I lke that better anyway Big Smile [:D]
  • madurofanmadurofan Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,152
    LOL the beers are awesome!

    This stick rated as a "hmmm" which is still dissappointly far from the 94 ccom gave it :(/
  • gott.des.feuergott.des.feuer Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 136
    Yeah... this cigar kept going out on me if I let it sit too long, which sucked because if I didn't let it sit for at least 1.5 min between puffs it got borderline harsh on me. It had definitely an enjoyable flavor, and was a good strength IMHO, but between the randomly going out and the uneven burn I eventually gave up on it. Which really sucked because the name and the band made me really really really want to love this cigar (it reminds me of 300, which is the best pre-workout motivator EVAR! that being one of my other hardcore hobbies right now). I was definitely far more willing to be patient with this 'gar than most with similar issues, and it still let me down. *sad sack*
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    from the two reviews posted it just sounds like this cigar need some serious age to it. it sounds as if they rushed to get it out. the amonia taste could be part of the tobacco aging proscess.

    that or im just very wrong. I hope for this cigars sake that im not
  • madurofanmadurofan Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,152
    Definetly needs to rest the other one I have is resting!
  • urbinourbino Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,517
    from the two reviews posted it just sounds like this cigar need some serious age to it. it sounds as if they rushed to get it out. the amonia taste could be part of the tobacco aging proscess.

    that or im just very wrong. I hope for this cigars sake that im not
    Ammonia can be a by-product of fermentation, so you may be onto something, kuz. With some time for that to dissipate (i.e., evaporate), these might be very solid. Based on the comments, though, I'm gonna let the one Joe sent me rest a while.
  • MarkbbMarkbb Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 196
    The Man O Wars that I've had didn't have the issues listed above, nice white ash burn and it was Med.Bold all the way thru...don't give up on them just yet...
  • madurofanmadurofan Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,152
    Odd that CCom listed it as full bodied, everyone I've talked to about it has said med. at best. Glad yours was good. Mine was good just not spectacular.
  • spinnerbaitspinnerbait Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 10
    i now have tried 2, one i let rest and one i did not. big difference, the one not rested had burn issues. tasted fine. i am cool with med. flavour, allthough the rested cigar seemed to develope more complex flavour as the stick burned down. my loved the aroma. by the way on the other page what i read seema to make me think u guys are afraid of your wifes, not me i smoke when, what, and where i want! WITH HER PERMISSION
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    by the way on the other page what i read seema to make me think u guys are afraid of your wifes, not me i smoke when, what, and where i want! WITH HER PERMISSION
    its not a fear issue. its a respect issue. i dont fear my wife. she will never ever do me harm because i wanted a cigar. however, i understand that she does not enjoy cigars at all -- in any way, shape, or form. Smoking a cigar when/where i want and rubbing it in her nose is not a symbol of my lack of fear, but instead, a symbol of my lack of respect.
    therefore i choose not to do so because i respect her.
  • Smoke=FireSmoke=Fire Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 682
    by the way on the other page what i read seema to make me think u guys are afraid of your wifes, not me i smoke when, what, and where i want! WITH HER PERMISSION
    its not a fear issue. its a respect issue. i dont fear my wife. she will never ever do me harm because i wanted a cigar. however, i understand that she does not enjoy cigars at all -- in any way, shape, or form. Smoking a cigar when/where i want and rubbing it in her nose is not a symbol of my lack of fear, but instead, a symbol of my lack of respect.
    therefore i choose not to do so because i respect her.
    And all the good natured joking about our wives aside...well said Kuzi. Marriage is not just about finding the right person (one who will accept all your flaws, but have none of their own :P), but also about being the right person. Keeping her feelings in consideration will go a long way...to making your marriage go a long way, bud. ;) Keep on track
  • Smoke=FireSmoke=Fire Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 682
    And getting back on track, thanks for the review. It would be interesting to see you do one on this cigar in 6 months and 12 months, to see if it has settled in.
  • rdnstnrdnstn Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 991
    And all the good natured joking about our wives aside...well said Kuzi. Marriage is not just about finding the right person (one who will accept all your flaws, but have none of their own :P), but also about being the right person. Keeping her feelings in consideration will go a long way...to making your marriage go a long way, bud. ;) Keep on track
    Well said!

    Now let's get back on track. I want to hear more about the Man O War before I decide to buy some.
  • madurofanmadurofan Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,152
    And all the good natured joking about our wives aside...well said Kuzi. Marriage is not just about finding the right person (one who will accept all your flaws, but have none of their own :P), but also about being the right person. Keeping her feelings in consideration will go a long way...to making your marriage go a long way, bud. ;) Keep on track
    Well said!
    ^What he said. I like to kid around about my wife. She has never said anything about my cigar smoking we usually sight out together every night and enjoy the evening and a cigar. She'll usually take a couple puffs as well. I joke about her bc I can,we actually have a great marriage and a great respect for each other and our hobbies.

    Back to the Man O' War. I'm definetly letting her rest and reviewing again.
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