Rick was an outstanding person. I blame my neglecting the forums so long for not knowing he was in bad health. I'll be donating blood in his honor. May God bless his family.
While i cannot donate blood in LA, it is a reminder of the need all over...and as the expression goes...'it is in you to give!' As per the Manresa, the Jesuits do a lot of amazing work. A quick read of the Manresa House of Retreat certainly suggests it is a wonderful retreat centre. The Donations page is a little lacking for how to make a contribution, and nothing appears to be able to be done online, but there is a contact spot. I will post any replies that i get when they respond. If anyone finds a link please post it. There is however an option to comment in the online obituary.
While i cannot donate blood in LA, it is a reminder of the need all over...and as the expression goes...'it is in you to give!' As per the Manresa, the Jesuits do a lot of amazing work. A quick read of the Manresa House of Retreat certainly suggests it is a wonderful retreat centre. The Donations page is a little lacking for how to make a contribution, and nothing appears to be able to be done online, but there is a contact spot. I will post any replies that i get when they respond. If anyone finds a link please post it. There is however an option to comment in the online obituary.
Yes Barry. Let us know. I am more than willing to donate. Thanks for your help. Your a good man.
I also reached out to Rick's son Ryan and got the family's blessing to run with my idea. Last year I had the honor of being Rick's secret Santa, his request as many know that Rick was big into cigar hats. I had an idea of getting a hat and sending it out to any brothers interested in signing the hat an then sending it back to Rick's family. Rick advised me that the family liked the idea and that Rick's wife would be willing to send me one of Rick's hats to get this going. Any interest please post here or shoot me a PM with an addy.
I also reached out to Rick's son Ryan and got the family's blessing to run with my idea. Last year I had the honor of being Rick's secret Santa, his request as many know that Rick was big into cigar hats. I had an idea of getting a hat and sending it out to any brothers interested in signing the hat an then sending it back to Rick's family. Rick advised me that the family liked the idea and that Rick's wife would be willing to send me one of Rick's hats to get this going. Any interest please post here or shoot me a PM with an addy.
All of the above ideas are great and suggest a lot of concern and suppost. Please be reminded though that Rick passed away 2 weeks ago, on Thursday, January 12, 2014. My point is only that we have missed the immediate passing. So perhaps the cards, if sent individually might actually help the family through the process. Obviously i have no idea though what is best. Cards from all over will help in the reasonably close/immediate grieving process, and that the signed hat, and any sort of collective retreat sponsorship we can do which might help in the long term support of his Rick's memories for his family. Again, just some random thoughts.
All of the above ideas are great and suggest a lot of concern and suppost. Please be reminded though that Rick passed away 2 weeks ago, on Thursday, January 12, 2014. My point is only that we have missed the immediate passing. So perhaps the cards, if sent individually might actually help the family through the process. Obviously i have no idea though what is best. Cards from all over will help in the reasonably close/immediate grieving process, and that the signed hat, and any sort of collective retreat sponsorship we can do which might help in the long term support of his Rick's memories for his family. Again, just some random thoughts.
The impact for multiple cards from multiple different people at different times would be (I think) more meaningful then one big shot.
I see no reason why we cant do all the above mentioned. If you would like to donate, do so, card, do so, hat do so. Whatever you feel you can do I am certain would be appreciated.
Again, lets wait on the donations until we hear from the retreat. Nothing saying we cant send them individually.The $290 they stated I am sure is just a suggestion, it covers room and board for one individual. We can send more or we can send less. Lets wait for their reply.