Coolidor pics?

So I am considering making a coolidor. I have one smaller and one medium sized humidor and they are about full now. And I keep ordering more...
So anyone have any pics of theirs? Just looking for organization ideas. There is a website I found that sells spanish cedar trays that would be a good way to organize a bit, but I'm sure others have some cool ideas.
These things hold humidity really well. I've got one Boveda pack humidifying an entire 25 quart cooler right at 70rh.
I know that everyone suggests empty cigar boxes, but personally I like to open the humi and be able to see all the beauties...and I don't want to have to open up a bunch of separate boxes to see what cigars are in them.
Cedar trays are out of my $$ right now so I'm looking at these plastic bins. Maybe they'd work for you too? Amazon Link CLICK