Not sure what your timeline is but wonder if you might break this up in to a couple of boxes so that we can move it through the system quicker? I now you want us to all sign something but perhaps we could have two? Just a thought.
I did the pass order. If you see a name to move let me know, after staring at names for too long I might have blacked out. I got the flag from Luke today, will send out tomorrow.
Pass Received and Secured. Cigars lovingly placed in the BFH. Tomorrow I'll add to it... take pics... and send off as soon as I get the address for onestrangeone, who is next in the pecking order. I'll send out a message for him so that I can get his address form his "mouth."
I'll just go with the original line up. I've got onestrangeone's address. This way, there will be no confusion with jlmartinmez10 or honorknight7. AJ... I'm going to mail your cutter out today... or at least I intend to. If not, Monday latest. Should be alright in an envelope double postage I would think.
I also included a standard sharpie... so you won't have to go look for one like I did. ;-) It's in its own ziploc bag so if it bursts, no harm no foul.
Awesome man. Thanks. PM sent.
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What I received:
What I added:
I also included a standard sharpie... so you won't have to go look for one like I did. ;-) It's in its own ziploc bag so if it bursts, no harm no foul.