I just wanted to say thank you to both BigShiz and Bad Daddy Rabit for the warm well wishes. Its been a long month+ and have had zero time to enjoy a cigar. I will get some pics up ASAP.
I just wanted to say thank you to both BigShiz and Bad Daddy Rabit for the warm well wishes. Its been a long month+ and have had zero time to enjoy a cigar. I will get some pics up ASAP.
I just wanted to say thank you to both BigShiz and Bad Daddy Rabit for the warm well wishes. Its been a long month+ and have had zero time to enjoy a cigar. I will get some pics up ASAP.
That BDR is a sneaky son of a.....
No joke. He's on a rampage. Shizz just never stops.
Well done fellas. Couldnt think of a better target.
Well done fellas. Couldnt think of a better target.
From BDR
From JimShiz
Thanks again guys!
And a very impressive hit by BDR!
Nicely done gentlemen!