Slip of the tongue

In between finishing up my class load and taking exams I have been run some errands. My in law's have been making a holiday treat for over 50 years. It is a hand made chocolate peanut butter ball and they are addicting. So my wife asked me to take some to our new friend at the Chamber of Commerce, she is a real sweet heart. To be careful I always ask is people are allergic to peanuts, well here is the slip, I asked her if she was allergic to penis, yes looking this little cutie in the eye, I said penis not peanut. To save me she said " I'm not allergic to either" smiled,gave me a hug and said thank you. I just walked out and laughed my a$$ off.
....didja get the digits?
2 guys sitting at starbucks. Waitress is a well-endowed blond. She asks what they would like. First guys says "I'd like a mocha please." 2nd guys says "I'd just like a cup of t!ts please." She says, "Excuse me?" "I'm so sorry," he replies, "I meant tea! A cup of tea please!" She leaves to get their drinks.
1st guy looks to the 2nd and says "Wow... Freudian slip ay?" 2nd says "What's that?" "That's where you mean to say one thing, but something else is on your mind, and you say that instead," replied 1st guy.
2nd guys says "Yes! That's exactly what happened. In fact, I had one of those this morning. I walked down the stairs into the kitchen and saw my lovely wife in there, cooking my breakfast, smiling at me. I meant to say 'I love you, baby, you're the best!' but instead I said 'I hate you B#tch, you ruined my life!'"