Good morning , it is Sunday 15 FEB. 2009, the day AFTER Saint Valentines day, an other "Hallmark" holiday , I think the card companys invent a lot of the BS just to sell cards, at 2000% markup or More , 5 bucks for a piece of cardboard with some lace & printing, BS, BUT if you DONT get one your in the Dog house with the BOSS, speaking of the Boss she is doing a lot better, the last drain has been removed , & she is getting on my nerves as usual , you didnt do this right , you didnt do that right , , HEY its done, let it alone , well she cant , & it drives me NUTZ, today she informs me we are taking down the Christmas lights , its 38F outside & I will need to re install the motion dector lights , she cant wait for a nice warm sunny day , its TODAY , & since she is getting dressed for the outside weather I need to get my valium taken so it will kick in by the time she starts to NAG , BUT I'M ONLY TRYING TO HELP .................. yea & the lions were only trying to help the Christians get to heaven faster ............
we had a slow week at the shop, the econemy isnt helping sales at all, Governer Ed SWINDELL of Pa wants to tack on a new tax on Cigars, the Schip program is a forgone conclusion & we will be paying out the @$$ in new taxes on our cigars, what Prohibition did for Booze this will do for Cigars ............. I am thinking about getting a truck & start making trips to Canada , BUY a ton of maple syrup & hide a few boxes of Cigars in the mix, sell the sweet stuff & keep the cigars for myself & few good friends , who knock at the peep hole & know the pass word, , you all have heard about the Preimbargo Cuban cigars well this will be the PRE Tax revolt cigars hahahaha
the grandsons are doing well, nothing exciting to tell you about this week, no major goings on , just to cold to go out & do much, but spring is just arround the corner & soon the pool will be cleaned & the sun will be shining & the Dog (PONY) will be out sunning him self .............. if he would be able to control the drooling he would be a lot more fun to take in the car hahahahaha , open the sun roof & he sits on the passenger seat & looks out the top , but the wind brings the drool back in the car , thank GOD I have glasses on ! hahahaha .........
I have some chicken defrosted & a few nice red bell peppers ready to roast, dont know what I will be doing other than that, I will think of some thing when I get to the kitchen & see what else is out there............
Ths morning Coffee today is the traditional Kona BUT I have a Pot of morning JOY , blended up by a local coffee roaster ........... & its not bad at all , I will be getting deeper into it later whith a cigar , as soon as I get the light on the front deck replaced , I have the heat all ready on in the Qtr.Deck & hope to be showered & have the lights done by 1 PM ... ...... After the Don Carlos #3 I have a Rocky Patel Winter blend Robusto & I might fire up a Casa Magna Just for $hit$ & Gigles , a fine smoke BUT I dont think its the Cigar of the year material , BUT then again , just like all people with opinions , you can repace it with an @$$hole, because every one has one, an opinion & an @$$hole !
I have no Comment about the Bail out package, all I can say is I hope my great grandsons can pay it off ! ............. bunch of hacks & loosers in the congress, you cant tax your way to prosperty , you need to MAKE some thing manufacturing is the key, start with a raw material & make a finished product .... Sell it , That is the back bone of commerce .............. a little barter here & there & soon everyone is depending on everyone else for what ever it is you specialize in we work together, everyone wins, but DONT BITE THE HAND THAT FEEDS YOU & thats just what our congress is doing to the public, living high on the hof on our Dime , telling us they are going to pass on NEXT years pay raise but they are going to take this years pay raise , by next Janurary they will think we forgot & find some way to suck up more of our hard earned cash........... I wish our Congress would read the papers of Monroe , Jefferson & Franklin & take it to heart , I think we would all be in a better place & maybe a few lessons from the BIBLE might help a lot also ! ..........................................................................................................
The Cigar crawl is up & running, the bus is filling up fast, check out
we need to fight for our rights to smoke cigars & pipes with out being Taxed to death!!!!
well Barb is in the shower & wants some one to wash her back, since I am the only one here ................ hahahah Enjoy, Vince
Good morning it is Sunday 22 Feb 2009, & its time for the Morning smoke ! , out the gate with my favorite morning smoke was the Don Carlos #3 , but before I even got to it I had to move a little snow, , so I cleaned a path to the Qtr. Deck, turned on the heat & went back to the rest of the walkways & drive ways , about 5 pounds of calicum Cloride , & I was in the deck for a few minutes , the temp haddent got above 40 in there yet so it was off to the car which had been warming all the time , so I popped the roof & sat there enjoying my sunday morning Kona & DC3 , & since today is Sunday & that means there is a chuck roast headed for the oven soon, I dont understand her, but I guess we as men are never going to understand the ladys in our lives, its Sunday I want beef, OK you got it , ,,,,,, easyer to join in the madness than fight it ! , ........................... she was back at the docs & every thing is looking OK, she should be back on her broom soon hahahahaha , , we had a water line break at the shop on Monday thank GOD it was outside, , but we didnt get water back in service till Saturday !!!, & since monday was a Holiday , it just made thing a little tuffer to start to deal with the boro , well the water main is burried in the middle of the street which just happens to be a state highway , our shut off is on the side walk but the city stripped the head in the valve & wants US to replace it , well it was a convulated mess, who was paying for what , who needed there permits , who was going to pay for traffic control, & on & on & on just a bunch of BURACRATIC BULL $HIT, well I tossed 1500 bucks on the table told the SOBS to GET ER DONE , dont tell me anything dont ask me to sign anything, just DO it , if you need more cash TUFF , I need water & I am tired of going out to the parking lot to take a piss, & I cant MAKE COFFEE at work, as it just makes me go more often so I have been in a foul mood all week, , No coffee, no bathroom, hauling water from home to make sure the cigars keep moist, we are using 6 gallons a day in the humidifyers , thats 3 trips to the car to take them out & 3 trips from the car to bring them in the shop, dammmmm a gallon of water in each hand is heavy, ever since i lost the 202 pounds I just dont have the wearwithall to carry any loads , that 20 pound bag of Bird feed is about all I can do with out a lot of effort, but for sume reason holding 2 gallons of water in each had is just more than my back & arms are comfortable with , so its one in each hand & make an extra trip !
other than that it was a QUIET week , yea like the "Quiet room " at the Hospital hahahaha ( you know that room with matresses on the walls ) hahahahahaha
well its time for a second pot of coffee, I think it will be a moca java or maybe a dark roast Columbian , depends on what cigar I pull out of the humi next ! Enjoy, Vince
Good morning , it is Sunday MARCH FIRST , 2009 a little closer to the time of the year for halter tops & hot pants ............ who can forget the posters of dasiy duke in her high heals & white sox s............... I guess I am showing my age , a little ......the ORGINAL DAISY not that knock off of a few years ago , dammmmm my memorie is getting as bad as my spelling jessicia simpson, britney spears , who the H3LL it was , Oh well I cant even remember the name of the one that was on the TV show , & that was the HOT one hahaha
Oh well back to the Sunday Morning smoke & forget about all that waisted silicone & Plastic surgery............
its tuff for me to focus this morning , I havent had anything to drink YET ,( JUST PLAIN BLACK COFFEE) but I am sort of in a fog, , the Sun is out the sky is Blue & the temp is in the low 30's , 99% of the snow has melted & the grass is a nice soft Brown / Green , I am ready to call for a ban on snow for the rest of the season ! Yea like that will solve anything hahaha Speaking of solving some thing , well I am not a political type & am a bit more Conservative than liberal, But the policys of jimmy Carter are not what we need now, Dont raise taxes, LOWER them STOP GOVERNMENT spending, some of you Young people remember Ronnie Reagen , & remember his trickle down econimics policy & it was a page out of the play book BY J F K ! , yep JFK was the author of the reagen policy , hard to imagine a Conservative Democrat , Nothing at all like his brother ted, a tax & spend liberal, NO, JFK had his Ducks in a row, & removed the words Silver Certificate from our money & replaced it with Federal reserve note , I think thats why he was shot, , no , just the word change didnt do it , the actions it made happen on wall street did , when your money is backed by gold or silver it has a VALUE, but when its backed by nothing more than FAITH in the government it has NO value , even the banks in Achiant Rome had Coins made of Gold, silver & copper & when thewre was a run on the banks the emporior took gold & filled the vaults at the banks to keep them solvent, , the history of money , boom & bust go way back to before records were kept. but I am not here to give a history lesson or one in social economics , Lets talk Cigars, whisky, coffee & food ! , First up this morning was a Don Carlos #4 , a little smaller than my usual #3 But it was a bit chilly out & I had to get things done so I cut down the size & time of the morning walk & cigar , the coffee is of course Kona , & the next pot will be Moka Java with a Davidoff millinium lonsdale size , after that who knows what goodies I might find in a humidor or maybe in a box hidden under the bed hahahahahaha
I have a small hunk of veal today , it will get the royal treatment to a nice dice of red peppers, onions, garlic & some tomato , a bit of Brown rice & a slow oven , should be on the table about 4PM .............. a nice bottle of wine & some thick crusted bread , a little cheese & fruit after & maybe a scotch , & a cigar ...... hUMMMMM sounds like a Sunday at My place hahaha
The boys went to Columbus OHIO to visit there step mothers father this weekend, lucky kids get an extra 2 set's of grand parents after both parents get remarried .......... you could sprain your wrist addressing cards to all the extended family !
Now that Feb is in the books & march is comming in like a Lamb I hope we have a better month, no plumbing problems, No electrial problems No roof problems & no Furnace or A/C problems , JUST a great month of sales & promotions , the government gets smart & repals the tax & we get to keep our prices low , looks like the feds are going to get 40 cents a stck & here in Pa Governer Fast Eddie Swindellie will get 3 cents a stick & 1%added to the sales tax taking us to 7% .......... times are Tuff so you raise taxes so we have less to spend...... yea right !!!!
I noticed a Bit of RUST on my rear wheel wells on my sable , 9 years old 170K + on the clock & it is showing signs of age , looks like a trip to the body shop in the spring, I want to get 240K on this car before I retire it a TRIP to the Moon, , Now if I get 480K that will be a Round trip to the moon ! , I dont see that happening BUT who knows I am still getting 20 MPG on it , its comfortable & the CD player & radio work as well as the A/C & heater, the remote starter is still working & the only things thats bad on the car is the dash light dont work, & the cruise control will not engage , so I have a clip on book light to light up the dash at night as the bulbs are only a buck each but the entire dash has to come out so said the service manager & the labor will be 150 Bucks to replace 6 bulbs, BS I said & got a battery powered light for 2 Bucks & click it on when I need it, the light is OK in the radio so I am COVERED !
I thinkits time for me to get my Lazy @$$ out to the kitchen & get the veal started, get the heat on in the Qtr.Deck & get my Sunday off to a great start !, Enjoy, Vince
snow was almost gone here too... but now (monday AM) there is a bout 2 inches again. thanks for the curse... i bet you have more though from that storm heading up the east right now.
"the policys of jimmy Carter are not what we need now, Dont raise taxes, LOWER them STOP GOVERNMENT spending, some of you Young people remember Ronnie Reagen , & remember his trickle down econimics policy & it was a page out of the play book BY J F K ! , yep JFK was the author of the reagen policy"
YES!! i knew that myself but this is the kind of thing that interests me. and i agree, now is not the time to tax more. it will only take money out of the hands of people who need it. i just hears somewhere that Obama is going to try and get a carbon tax that could double electric bills by 2012 and add a $1.25/gal to gasoline (just in taxes) in the same time frame. Now, im all for a good environment, but not at the expense of our economy. ...and the $13/week tax cut (that isnt even a real tax cut) isnt gunna make up that price increase in my electric bill.
i hope the veal turned out well and i hope the new cigar tax doesnt hut the shop much.
all this talk about the Merc's longevity and i may be convinced to go out and buy one.
I have no complaints about any of the last 4 cars I have bought Tempo ,Taurus, Contouer & the Sable, right now the boss is driving the new 500 ( taurus ) , we had the tempo 13 years & it had the ORGINAL clutch in it ( the last of the stick shifts for us OLD folks ) the contour was also 13 years old when I got rid of it ( they did over lap in ownership ) , I always get the older car & she gets the new one .............. gee I winder how that happens ????????? , I used to by Olds & Pontiacs , but had a few problems when GM stopped making the OLDS , we did have a few chrystler products , a Dodge dart sport 340 sixpack , ( before kids ) an aspen station wagon after the kids , but over the years we have had the best service from the Fords ,,,, last check the stock was 2.02 , I didnt look at the GM or chrystler prices , But my @$$ is still stinging from the market so i dont think I will be jumping in any time soon !
Good morning , it is Sunday 6 March , 2009
the first day of daylight savings here in da Burgh , lost an hour of sleep last night so I made up for it this morning ! , yea like my body can tell the difference of one hour, its raining here so I dont see much sun , & the body will adjust with the time of the year & amount of sun shine you get
so I dont see any rational thought behind the "daylight savings time " , you get up when you need to , we shoulnt be goverenend by a clock, ( but come to think of it , a clock might make a better governer than what we have here in Pa . ) old fast eddie rendell , wants more of my hard earned taxes to help pay his buddys there graft & coruption moneys, first he mandates a state freeze on hirering & as soon as one of his buddys looses his seat in the state house he appoints him to a new job in a new breaucracy paying 96K a year & he is getting his state pention for being an elected offical over 7 years & that is a full ride with health care & all the rest of the BS we taxpayers are footing the bill for " a BUNCH OF CROOKED BA$TARD$, Geeee it great to live in the USA , we might have the same Crooked B@$T@RD$ as they do in other countrys but we have the FREEDOM to say so with out being sent to jail, , hold on a phone call for me , be right back, , , , , ,. , Dammmmm the state revinue service , looks like I am going to be auditited hahahaha , as you all know the S Chip program has passed the congress & Barock has sighed it , ( W vetoed it TWICE) so our cigars will go up in price AGAIN & fast eddie rendelle( governer of PA) never to be left in the back seat has added a state tax on top of the feds so he will be getting more of our hard earned moey in taxes , dammmmmmm I dont know about you But I am FED up with this BS , I have less spendable income today than I did when I was working 2 jobs at the same time , but if this trend of tax & spend keeps up I will need to find that elusive second job to keep things going at the cigar shop , I have had to cut down on my consumption of "Embargoed" cigars , exotic coffees & vintage whiskys , back to smoking machine rolled ( never going to happen ) instant coffee YUCK & blended scotch vs the single malt ,,,,, dammm what this great country slidding back to , I worked hard for MANY years to get myself into the good life of the AMERICAN DREAM, well my car is paid for ( but my wifes isnt ) the house is paid for & we used to have a little money in the bank & some in the stock market , so now we dont have as much in the market as we did , it just evaporated hahahaha at lest I didnt get taken by bernie madoff like I was taken by michael milken , but that as they say is an other story ................
We have a lot of rain in the forcast today & I have a don carlos #2 torp this morning as soon as I get off the computer, I will be heading out to the Qtr.Deck with the last of the pot of sunday morning Kona & a pot of moca java right behind it, seams to me like a nice fallow up, & it pairs well with the DC2 , Meat loaf is on the menu today , YEA not a hunk of POTROAST , so later I will be slicing & diceing a few veggies to add to the mix of ground veal,pork & beef , a little herbs & seasonings , mash up a few spuds make some gravy & we are Home free of hassel & work, way easyer than falling off a log !!!
Barb is recovering well from her visit to the doc, we go back Wed , & she should be able to remove the binder from her lower back & belly, , I have been rubbing Vit.E oil on the scar all month now, so she should be fine in a few more weeks ,,,,,,,,, the boys ( grandsons) are still being a pain in the
@$$ , thats there JOB till they get out of school & get a job,, then they become a BIGGER Pain .................
Not much else happening right now , time for me to get out to the Qtr.Deck & start the day off right with a Fine cigar & a MUG of coffee, & maybe a little Dram later hahahahaha ( maybe 2 or 3 ) hahaha Enjoy, Vince
Good Morning it is Sunday 15 March 2009, as history goes to day is the day Brutis & his henchmen killed his friend Julis Ceaser , so I guess the political world hasnt changed much in all these years , we might not resort to using a gun or knife as much but it is still practiced in the media & by word of mouth, NOT that some of them SOB's dont deserve it hahahaha , just a little gallows humor , I have been thinking about running for a local office here in the township where I have lived the past 30 some years , not where I grew up & went to school, but I dont think I am a carpet bagger but it is still in the same county , not like some of the national political hacks that move to a state just to run for a national office ( Hillary) , you know I wouldnt have a problem with her if she had run from Illinois where she was from or from Arkansas, where she was married to the governer , but thats for a different time & place to expouse my views on political BS ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,
breakfast was a toasted english muffin with a slice of Hot Pepper cheese , slice of bacon & an egg with a broken yoke , a dab of olive oil mayo & a Big Mug of kona , , I have a Don Carlos #3 clamped in my jaws & will be firing up a great old La tradicione from 1993 corona soon , hard to believe I have cigars from 93 still in my humidor , should have smoked them a LONG time ago hahahaha , dammm I still have 3 from 1970 ( when I got married , it will be 39 years in August, dammm I could have been getting out of Jail just about now hahahahaha
there are Stuffed Peppers in the slow cooker for today, should be ready about 4 or 5 , a few mashed spuds & we are in fat city !!!
I had a great friday at the shop, busy all day sipped a good deal of scotch , drank a LOT of coffee & smoked a few contraband stogies ....... it was a good day hahaha hey any day your GIVEN a great smoke by a friend & get to sip a weeee dram with that friend , well it dont get much better than that !
I got a suprise when the postman delivered a package from a buddy in Tombstone Ariz. , , 2 bottles of Joe Perrys Hot sauce , yea baby , sweet, hot & tasty , I wanted to lick it off the wife behind but she said that was just a little kinky for her ,,,,,,,,,,, oh well it was a good idea anyhow hahaha , its wonderfull on eggs , the JP hot sauce that is , ( for you YOUNG guys & gals Joe Perry is the Guitar player for Aerosmith , a ROCK band from the early days of hard rock ) , you might want to google Aerosmith for more info on one of the best bands to get off drugs & become millionairs , closing in on 60 years old the band still rocks & still has ALL the orginal members , lead singer Steven Tyler is now a grandfather , I dont know about the rest of the band , I just get up dated by my wife who is a HUGE aerosmith fan, , but as always when she talks I just get evey third or forth word in every fifth or sixth sentence ................ yes dear thats nice ........
now that the peppers are cooking the day is Sunny & bright I think I might be heading out for a Cigar , coffee 7 a scotch, dammmmm I hate to dig my self into a rut, seams like all I ever do is eat ,smoke ,sleep & drink, dammmmm its a TUFF life .............. hahahaha Enjoy, Vince
Vince, How will you ever smoke a cigar that is 39 years old.. I could never do it.. I would miss it too much once it was ash. At some point you would just say.. Nope, It is too much of a keepsake at some point.. Probably 10 years would be my cut-off. I think Aerosmith is very popular still, and most guys know well what great music these guys continue to put out. I'm pretty sure they performed at the Superbowl a few years ago. and still tour. Have a good one Vince.
I have 3 left, one saved for the 50th anniv, if we dont kill each other first hahahahahaha & the other 2 will be graduation cigars for the 2 grandsons , I still have a few Pre castro cigars , from the late 50's or early 60's , I have been offered a ton of cash for them , BUT thats for the daughters Ph.D. , the grandsons masters & my Ph.D , But that will never happen, I havent been in a class room as a student in 25 years , all that time & money spent on an education hahahaha, well it was fun anyhow, I used my B.A. (Culinary) degree , but never did much with my masters , all I needed to do was my disertation, But I just never thought it was worth the time or the trouble, I dont want to sit in an office & listen to the troubles of tired old men , wacky house wives , who want's that I can sit in the cigar shop, & practice with out a licence , & not get sued or need to have mal-practice insurence , dammm I enjoy what I do , its almost as good as the 4 years I was on the radio with a talk show, BUT I was not allowed to smoke in the studio, my audiance is a lot smaller today & I can fire up a cigar when ever I want, sip a weee dram of scotch & drink coffee anytime I want, & get up & go to the bathroom when I want, no more putting on a 5 minute CD to go to the sand box, , I had a copy of "Love letters in the sand" that was 5:03 , Just right to take a leak, get coffee & get back behind the mic with a few seconds left !
i knew joe perry made hot sauce but i never had it before.
...and i do love some Aerosmith.
ive seen em in concert before. they put on a good show. IT was just before the "honkin on bobo" album. i think i own more Aerosmith albums than any other band.
...11 of em.
most bands dont even have 11 albums, let alone 11 that are worth buying.
i knew joe perry made hot sauce but i never had it before.
...and i do love some Aerosmith.
ive seen em in concert before. they put on a good show. IT was just before the "honkin on bobo" album. i think i own more Aerosmith albums than any other band.
...11 of em.
most bands dont even have 11 albums, let alone 11 that are worth buying.
I think I have that hot sauce at home. Haven't tried it yet. I have a lot of Aerosmith too. Not sure how many but I had everything up until A Little South Of Sanity except for Rock in a hard place and night in the ruts. After that, I gave up.
i like their live stuff a lot. isnt "a little south of sanity" a live collection?
i need to get that
Yeah, it is. Man, I haven't listened to Aerosmith in a long time. I need to break out the collection. I saw them at Jones Beach in 98. I wasn't impressed. Not that they were bad. Maybe it was just how I was feeling that day.
They did that song "I don't want to miss a thing". There wasn't a pair of dry panties in the house!
My wife is a Huge aerosmith fan, any one want to take her to the next concert? I will pay for all the ticket as long as I dont have to GO AGAIN ! Bach, Beethoven & Bennie Goodman !!!
lol, if you pay for me to come out.. I like aerosmith. not a huge fan but wouldn't say no to a concert. Actually my wife and I are going to see Wicked this next weekend.
lol, if you pay for me to come out.. I like aerosmith. not a huge fan but wouldn't say no to a concert. Actually my wife and I are going to see Wicked this next weekend.
Good morning , it is Sunday 22 March 2009 a cool clear day here in da burgh, the eye surgery went well , the laws of murphy were all in place, ( if anything can go wrong , it will ) so dont sneeze when your having your eye worked on hahahaha , the cateract is gone, the new lens is in place but I still have a little blurrryness , lots of eye drops & the right eye gets the same treatment on April 2 , so I will be some what needing a driver for a few days next month also, it was nice having a day off from the shop, last thursday ( when I was at the hospital ) , came home took a nap & everything went well, went to the shop a little Friday evening, & enjoyed a Cigar, the first one since wendsday, some how I never did get one on thursday , dammmm doctors & the asthesia , made me sleepy & I didnt get my cigar fix for the day DAMMMM ! The small things we do get stay healthy hahahaha !
Since I missed 2 days of work at the shop , ( I was there friday but as a customer ) things went well, there were 3 boxes from UPS that I will get to on Monday , I have no idea what they are , I didnt even pull the packing list from the box, so I will get on it Monday Morning, & we got a NEW MOP, Bucket & Ringer , YEA, hey you can take the Boy out of the Navy but you cant take the Navy out of the Boy , ( how do you seperate a new sailor from an old salt ~~~~~~ with a crowbar > hahahaha ) yep I spent a lot of time dancing with the mop, or as we called it swab, hence the nick name swabbie , well it brought back a lot of good memories , & now the floor is as shinny as it was when it was NEW .............. & it will stay that way !
I will be heading out to the kitchen soon , & today I have a small PORK ROAST ............... NO BEEF ! AMEN, this hunk of piggy will get the apple & prune treatment , along with a little bit of hot peppers, a sweet & hot mixture that should make the wife happy, I HOPE !!!!
the grandson has a little Piano thing this afternoon an open house at his new teachers studio , he is playing at 2 pm so I will miss a few afternoon cigars today, , but do not fear my friends I will get my alotment of smokes in today some how, the Qtr.deck was busy last night as my Brother in law stopped out & the sisters went shopping, well it was a great time, a lot of scotch was sipped & lot of cigars were smoked & a LOT OF BS was sent out ! hahahaha , I have no idea what they went shopping for , but I did find a bunny with a bell hanging from the door knob, ( an EASTER TYPE BUNNY , not a playboy type bunny ) ..... some times I wonder about you guys & gals, I find I need to Explain almost everything, I guess thats the draw back of the internet, you dont get the inflection in the voice to "know" what I am talking about, , Bring back the telephone, NO CELL phones, No TEXTING, No instant photos, , Bring back the Fountain Pen, Paper ( Stationary ) & learning to write in script, my calligraphy skills have declined , & this computer is one of the reasons, BUT it enables me to reach a lot more people with MY BS so I guess the trade off is there !
I enjoy the feedback of CONVERSATION ( & you dont have to Spell out anything ) , today the english speaking population has about 5 times as many words to choose from as they did in the time of William Shakespear , granted a lot of the words are tecknolagey based ( again no need to spell if you were speaking instead of typing ) But I digress, so it is back to the Sunday Morning smoke, , & it was a MADURO Hemming way given to me by a Customer last friday Night ................. in his humidor since 99 , I just HAD to try it , so this morning at 7AM I was up to get the Sunday paper, turned on the heat in the Qtr.deck, came in with the paper & made a Pot of Jacu Bird Coffee, yep Bird $hit coffee , some what like the Civet cat $hit coffee from Indonesia , but this is from Brazil & a MUCH better flavor that the civet stuff, , this a FULL body coffee that was a full DARK roast & then just a little more , deep rich color on the Shiney beans, verrrry moist & had to clean up the grinder when it was done , but a GREAT cup of coffee
My car is in the shop for the state inspection, its now 9 years old & starting to cost me money every few months, this trip to the car doctor will be over 600 , last November it was a grand to rebuild the front end, , all the, shocks ,springs ,ball joints, tie rods & alignment with 2 tires , this time its the rear brake drums , Brakes & springs & the Emmisions didnt pass eather, so I hope what ever went wrong with that part is cheep, But I know it will be Big Bucks so why even waiste my time hoping its a $3.00 hose & not a $300.00 sensor , as they say $hit Happens .But I guess 600 twice a year is cheeper than 400 a month for a car payment , & I realy like this car, a 2000 sable, with almost 200K on it , still getting 20 MPG in town going back & forth to work ! cant beat it, its comfortable & has everything I want short of the heated seats ! , it is starting to show its age, as the paint is starting to go & the rust is starting to show up over the back tires , I want to keep it about 5 more years , then I will inhearit the wifes Limited edition Taurus ( IT HAS THE HEATED SEATS ) YAHOOOO !!!
well its time to head to the kitchen & start to beat that pork roast into submission !!! Enjoy, Vince
lol, if you pay for me to come out.. I like aerosmith. not a huge fan but wouldn't say no to a concert. Actually my wife and I are going to see Wicked this next weekend.
Who/What is wicked ???
Hey Vince .. Wicked is a very popular stage play/musical based on the Wizard of Oz movie... It tells the story of the Witches when they were young, as well as the backstory of the Scarecrow, Tinman, and Lion, Not perfectly to how the W/o/O movie plays out but still entertaining. Take the wife if it ever shows up near you. She will like it.
I will look for it , But I dont know if I can get her to go to some thing she might not want to see , , me I can take anything one time, But she had to drag me to 3 aerosmith concerts, , she has seen them about 10 times so far but there were a few times she wasnt able to get anyone to go with her, One time she took her mother & our daughter, 3 generations at the same time , thats 3 of a kind I dont want to draw against hahahaha
Enjoy, Vince
Good morning , it is Sunday 29 March 2009, a big wonderfull sun filled morning here in the Burgh , the birds are all over the feeder & the temp is going into the 60's today , , the grass has started to show a little bit of growth & is getting greener as we speak, , I can say it has been a long strange winter here in da Burgh & I am glad its over, but you poor pouls in the plains states with the high water, snow & COLD, God Bless you !
we had a Fun week at the shop Pedro Gonzales the owner of Don Gonzales Cigars was here for a few days & we did a few tastings at the shops in the area , had a lot of fun & got to sip a little home made wine , at a few different shops, Man I love tasting the stuff that is made at home & not the stuff that is full of sulfides to retard the growth of the bacteria like in so many commerical wines , give me that good old Home made stuff anytime, granted some of it is mighty sour , but when you find a good one , you cant beat it with a stick !
I have been trying new morning cigars again, the Butera Vintage maduro robusto is getting some nice vibes from the old taste buds , but still I havent found anything to replace the Don Carlos #3 .......... its the right size & the right TASTE, the #4 is OK a little smaller than the 3 but not a bad replacement , , finding that PERFECT morning cigar is a challenge you all should embark on , a journey into the taste buds , is this to strong for you in the morning, is this to mild for you in the morning , is it the right flavor , is it the right size, all of the questions must be answered , But I will keep up with my reasearch & report the finding when I get new Information to pass on.
Last night I went to the Lincoln school for performing arts & witnessed the Ballet Du Bond , a ballet set to the music of the classic James Bond Storys , the narater was Ieon Flemming , played by the drama teacher, & it was great, the dancer who play Bond, James Bond was first rate & only a JR. at the school , he will be back in a few more shows this year & next, , & the girl who payed Miss Moneypenny............. well lets say I had to remind myself she was only a Highschool girl ! dammmmmmmmmm !
I will be heading to the kitchen soon for some Chicken & brown rice , I might toss in a little hot pepper cheese to the pot today , I havent thought much about it yet, (In other words the boss hasnt given her OK on todays menu ) Gotta keep her happy , & it was tuff enough to get her to by pass the pot roast ( her favorite )
The eye is doing well & today I started the drops for the right eye & that one gets cut this comming Thursday , so by this time next week I will have had it done & will report back then !
The grandsons are just waiting for the Easter break at school, & I cant wait till lent is over & all the guys who gave up cigars for lent will be back with a Passion ! (I HOPE) , I never under stood why we will Give up something we enjoy for lent, , , , as Ben Franklin said "Beer is Proof that God loves us , & wants us to be happy " well if God wants us to be happy , why should we give up something that makes us happy ???? , far be it from me to debate the bible with anybody !!!.............................
My car was in the shop again, last year it was the front end, this time is was the rear end, the brake drums were replaced along with the brakes, rear springs & all the other BS that takes to keep a car with 175K on the clock still on the road ,,,, it is still cheeper to fix it than to get a brand new car, , I will wait till the new one we got for the boss last year is paid for , then I will get that one & she will get a new one , I didnt want her last one , it was well under 100K & it did have all the toys I wanted , even a few i could do with out , but it was just not ME , I love my sable , it is the right size for me, her Contour was OK but it was just a hair to small for me, it might have been able to work for me but it was 13 years old , her new Taurus will fit a lot better for me when it gets passed on to me , who knows what we will replace it with in a few years, or if there is an American car to replace it with !
I havent looked at the statement for the 401K ............ to depressing !
so here we are battling a Budget that is out of ballance , spending more & more money on BS every day , AIG is on everyone's mind but some @$$hat in the senate put the wording in the bill to pay the blood suckers , He is the one the outrage should be leveled at not the big $hit$ at AIG, , lets face it , our FEDERAL Government is OUT OF CONTROL , time to put a stop to the BIG Brother attitude , get back to a smaller federal hold on our life & let the states & local government take a little more control of the situation the feds should be involved it the trade, the boarders & national defence, along with delivery of the mail, not the Quasi government enity we are dealing with today, the post master general making 800K + a year is out of site , last time I looked the president didnt make all that much & the PMG isnt even a cabnet post anymore ..................
thats about it for today, time for me to hit the shower , & get the chicken & rice on the stove ................. Enjoy, Vince .................... sorry for the late posting the local internet was down this morning, a car hit a pole & took out the cable !
lol, if you pay for me to come out.. I like aerosmith. not a huge fan but wouldn't say no to a concert. Actually my wife and I are going to see Wicked this next weekend.
Who/What is wicked ???
Hey Vince .. Wicked is a very popular stage play/musical based on the Wizard of Oz movie... It tells the story of the Witches when they were young, as well as the backstory of the Scarecrow, Tinman, and Lion, Not perfectly to how the W/o/O movie plays out but still entertaining. Take the wife if it ever shows up near you. She will like it.
Kas you beat me to it. Yup. Never gone, first time here in Oregon so tonight should be nice. I'm always down for theater.
I too have a hard time figuring out what is a High School Girl these days... It's cool that you got to sample some cigars from a big wig. Home made wine sounds good. I always enjoy wine tasting.
That's part of it, no doubt, but even if they dressed like nuns, they just aren't built like teenage girls. They're built like women. It's frightening. I've seen a couple of theories on it. The leading one seems to be the hormones in dairy products.
i saw another that was because we are growing faster as a race. girls hit 95 lbs faster and that is aparently some magic number for the onset of puberty.
"the policys of jimmy Carter are not what we need now, Dont raise taxes, LOWER them STOP GOVERNMENT spending, some of you Young people remember Ronnie Reagen , & remember his trickle down econimics policy & it was a page out of the play book BY J F K ! , yep JFK was the author of the reagen policy"
YES!! i knew that myself but this is the kind of thing that interests me. and i agree, now is not the time to tax more. it will only take money out of the hands of people who need it.
i just hears somewhere that Obama is going to try and get a carbon tax that could double electric bills by 2012 and add a $1.25/gal to gasoline (just in taxes) in the same time frame. Now, im all for a good environment, but not at the expense of our economy. ...and the $13/week tax cut (that isnt even a real tax cut) isnt gunna make up that price increase in my electric bill.
i hope the veal turned out well and i hope the new cigar tax doesnt hut the shop much.
all this talk about the Merc's longevity and i may be convinced to go out and buy one.
...and i do love some Aerosmith.
ive seen em in concert before. they put on a good show. IT was just before the "honkin on bobo" album. i think i own more Aerosmith albums than any other band.
...11 of em.
most bands dont even have 11 albums, let alone 11 that are worth buying.
i need to get that
They did that song "I don't want to miss a thing". There wasn't a pair of dry panties in the house!
they look 25