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Nissan Leaf prototype autonomous vehicle.

0patience0patience Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,767
Nissan Autonomous vehicle

Nissan has put their driver-less autonomous prototype Nissan Leaf on Japan's highways.
According to the press, they expect to have driver-less vehicles in production by 2020.

The only questions I have is, when 2 autonomous vehicles get in an accident, who's fault will it be?
And when there are nothing but autonomous vehicles on the road, what do we do with the highway patrol?


  • New BootsNew Boots Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,634
    I should say "Oh great, one more thing to be taken over by robotics of some sort" ....but then I think how much better road trips will be if I can be asleep the whole time.
  • dr_frankenstein56dr_frankenstein56 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,519
    what do we do with the highway patrol?

    oh i have a wonderful idea!

    But really, its very neat to see how far technology has come, yet by now i remember i was supposed to be in a flying spaceship. Almost there!

  • 90+ Irishman90+ Irishman Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,868
    what do we do with the highway patrol?

    oh i have a wonderful idea!

    But really, its very neat to see how far technology has come, yet by now i remember i was supposed to be in a flying spaceship. Almost there!

    Tony to answer your question on what Highway Patrol would do, you need to watch the movie Super Troopers.... Your question would then be answered lol
  • bearbbearb Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,044
    While it sounds pretty cool, but it's not like we need more cars on the road...now we are creating ones that dont even need a driver. So would the cars just go out for a sunday drive for something to do? Sheesh!
    As per the Highway Patrol's....I think that Eric Estrado's time has passed him anyway. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LYq8b0yIYr0
  • perkinkeperkinke Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,562
    I was thinking about this the other day, and it occurred to me that if driverless cars become the norm it would be just like traveling on a train that isn't bound by tracks. And if that occurs, would there be any point to personal ownership of cars? Seems like it would be just mass transit by a different method; variances in luxury would seem to be the only differentiating factors. Or not, I dunno. Even if they proved viability and authorized them tomorrow it would be decades before conventional cars could be reasonably outlawed.
  • beatnicbeatnic Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,133
    The driver-less Google cars are already on the streets.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    The driver-less Google cars are already on the streets.
    Yup. There was a really cool video out that showed a blind man using one to do shopping and stuff. Pretty cool actually. My only issue is software failure, malware, viruses, and who is at fault during a crash? I'm sure there is an override to take control but still. On the plus side I'm sure there will be less issues on the road.
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