Yup, I agree! I love the RPG style games...but I also have an addictive personality. So, if I get a game like that, I will play, and play, and play, and play...and find every single thing I can, speak to every person, forge every weapon...etc etc etc. When my total play time starts to be measured via weeks...it gets to be a problem.
Anyone else going to be on the Beta this weekend? Trying to get on now but it seems the servers are down.
I would if only I had a PC worthy...:-( Invested more in my console units, and the one game I would play online, not sure my laptop could handle it.
Im not sure of the specs but it looks a lot like SWTOR and DDO.
Got a Toshiba Satellite L755D-S5150, gonna have to do some reasearch on it, would love to be able to get this though..wont be getting a PS4 or xbox one anytime soon (since i have 2- 360s and a ps3), so if i got it, i'd want it to work with my laptop..