Tasty Treat

Just finished this little treat down in the shop tonight..... H.Upmann 1844.... Not sure of the ring gauge, but I eyeballed it against a ruler and figure about 30.... (my ruler has 64ths).... but, that was eyeballin' it. I tossed the box after I put 'em in my humi.
Box of 5 at my B&M for less than $10....
Very enjoyable, all the way through....

Here's to those little guys having sex in the humidor and making some more!
But I will pay up to $80 to watch them do it in either Cabinetmaker's or Waxingmoon's humis....
That kind of disclaimer would keep an awful lot of these threads pretty short, LMAO!
Is that the top of your Chessboard humidor in the background? How is that thing coming?
Hell it'd be faster to label the ones that don't. Maybe have all new threads start with it and when it does digress into sexual weirdness the OP can click some icon to make it go away.