OMG......My wife just called. My Secret Santa gift has arrived....She said that she needed two men and a small pony to bring it in the door. I hope she is talking about the package....What I do know is that it cost the SS $38 to mail....Sh!t just got real...
Damn son!! Hurry up and get home before the pony makes a mess on your floor!!
Santa beat the crap out of me, drank my scotch, and smacked me on the azz on the way out. I'm told there's more coming but I sure don't know why, this is incredible. Love the herfador, LOVE the lighter, and the sticks are icing on the cake. Thanks so much SS!!
I am so embarrassed. I consider myself extremely lucky that you guys allow me to participate on these forums. Over the years I have enjoyed the friendly banter that goes on between us. Much of the time it results in very friendly "sh't talking." Tonight I had the privilege of opening my Secret Santa gift box. I can tell you this, "sh't just got real." This package is so way over the top that I cannot believe it. Every day the generosity of the brothers on this forum amaze me, but this package takes that generosity to the next level. I am a Bear of many words but I am left utterly speechless as I open this gift. What in the world could my Secret Santa possibly be thinking. In a short time I will find out who you really are and I will be able to thank you appropriately. I am truly humbled by your generosity and I hope that we all have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Here are the pictures, I can't believe it.
mind = blown