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Part of the problem?

phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349

Article talks about a school district in New Britain, Conn. The balance in reading at the early years due to spanish speaking children and low income families. Thing that stuck me was that a woman was quoted by saying, they (meaning someone from the school) came over to help potty train their kid, which is why he/she was absent from school so many times. I mean really? Now I don't remember reading about any other ethnic group having such a hard time adjusting in the '20's. I mean pretty much most ethnic groups had a hard time in this country until another one came along. Now mexicans are the one's being attacked but is there a reason for such a hatred? I dunno but when I read things like the above that schools are having to send people to homes to see what is going on and even help people parent, I think something needs to be changed.


  • jthanatosjthanatos Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,563

    Article talks about a school district in New Britain, Conn. The balance in reading at the early years due to spanish speaking children and low income families. Thing that stuck me was that a woman was quoted by saying, they (meaning someone from the school) came over to help potty train their kid, which is why he/she was absent from school so many times. I mean really? Now I don't remember reading about any other ethnic group having such a hard time adjusting in the '20's. I mean pretty much most ethnic groups had a hard time in this country until another one came along. Now mexicans are the one's being attacked but is there a reason for such a hatred? I dunno but when I read things like the above that schools are having to send people to homes to see what is going on and even help people parent, I think something needs to be changed.
    There are unbelievably stupid people of every creed, nationality, race, gender, and what have you. And, for what ever reason, reporters seem very skilled at tracking down the dumbest of the dumb for interviews. I don't take canded 'everyman' interviews too seriously.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349

    Article talks about a school district in New Britain, Conn. The balance in reading at the early years due to spanish speaking children and low income families. Thing that stuck me was that a woman was quoted by saying, they (meaning someone from the school) came over to help potty train their kid, which is why he/she was absent from school so many times. I mean really? Now I don't remember reading about any other ethnic group having such a hard time adjusting in the '20's. I mean pretty much most ethnic groups had a hard time in this country until another one came along. Now mexicans are the one's being attacked but is there a reason for such a hatred? I dunno but when I read things like the above that schools are having to send people to homes to see what is going on and even help people parent, I think something needs to be changed.
    There are unbelievably stupid people of every creed, nationality, race, gender, and what have you. And, for what ever reason, reporters seem very skilled at tracking down the dumbest of the dumb for interviews. I don't take canded 'everyman' interviews too seriously.
    Think it goes further than just what one person or a few say or do. This program that is talked about in the article is an attempt to fix an issue that isn't just in that state, but all over the nation. In my state we spend some 56 to 65 percent on education. Now for what ever reason the costs keep going up but the institution itself is worsening. Reason? Not sure it's only one thing but I do know that we have way too many kids in classes, a lot of classes are being taught two times sometimes three since we like to cater to people not speaking English and also the amount of money being used to subsidize school lunches. I remember when I went to grade school the schools needed money and programs were being cut but at least our classes were around 20 kids and we still had arts and stuff. Now classes are in the 40's or mid 30's and most of the fun classes and courses have been cut. Not to mention the closures which force more kids into already large classes. In the end I don't think having bilingual classes are killing the schools but what is, is the ethics behind family and what is important. Seems to me that far too many people (whether it be due to not being ready to have a family, or finances, or being too busy working multiple jobs) are failing at parenting, and that goes for anyone.
  • beatnicbeatnic Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,133
    I wish schools would just try to teach children how to speak, read, write, and do simple mathematics. If I were to have a child in this day and age, I would homeschool. Maybe a private school, if I had the funds. But never would I send my child to a public school in this country. The educators seem to be more concerned with themselves.
  • pilgrimtexpilgrimtex Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 429
    Pink Floyd has a good song that's relevant for today. Hey Teacher Leave our kids alone. When we stop rewarding women for having Babies by giving them more money that they spend on themselves, Maybe that will help somewhat. Not the total answer but a good start. Instead, reward sterilization at an amount equal to 3 kids. That would help even more. Include men in that as well.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    Pink Floyd has a good song that's relevant for today. Hey Teacher Leave our kids alone. When we stop rewarding women for having Babies by giving them more money that they spend on themselves, Maybe that will help somewhat. Not the total answer but a good start. Instead, reward sterilization at an amount equal to 3 kids. That would help even more. Include men in that as well.
    I like it!
  • onestrangeoneonestrangeone Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,423
  • RBeckomRBeckom Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,099
    But also+2 on this one.
    I'm glad I chose to having only two children.
  • pilgrimtexpilgrimtex Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 429
    But also+2 on this one.
    I'm glad I chose to having only two children.

    Right on. I have 2 girls. When asked if I wanted a boy I replied I'd rather have 2 girls than 3. LOL
  • RBeckomRBeckom Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,099
    But also+2 on this one.
    I'm glad I chose to having only two children.

    Right on. I have 2 girls. When asked if I wanted a boy I replied I'd rather have 2 girls than 3. LOL

    Two girls also.
    Thank the Lord.
  • beatnicbeatnic Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,133
    I only have one son. For that I am glad. But, I would have undergone genetic engineering to have had a daughter. Mother Nature felt differently. I',m presently urging my son son to do special exercises to father a girl. LOL
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