I'm interested, haven't tried these, but I've been trying to decide if I want to spend the money on an unknown (for me) willing to take a chance on a lesser amount.
ha, well my plan was to send some to you anyway... assuming our 6-week-old trade is still viable, that is
3 way shizz? I would like to pick up a 1/4. What Vitola?
Associate (robusto) or Soldier (toro)... I don't really care... if you all want to 3-way it, that's cool... we'll have to figure in the shipping costs tho... i'd prefer to do a straight split since it's easier on my end, but it's not a huge deal
Just throwing it out there but If anyone else wants to do a spilt I'm down for 1, I would love to have the box to display. I will throw in extras to have the box, just saying
I haven't had this cigar and I am not looking for more then 5. If someone wants to pick up RR 1/2 please do. It is his thread. I will work something out with someone for five if I can.
No I didn't mean to intrude in your guys spilt or anything, do really go ahead and do your spilt. Was just saying, I'd be happy with 5 also I just was looking for the box to keep. It's all good
No offense taken. I see there are a couple other people interested in the spilt. I think Rob should get taken care of and maybe the rest of use can work something out.
Do you want 1/2? I think Bob and I are looking for fivers. I can buy, or if you want the box you can. Up to you. We can iron out the details in a pm if your intrested.
Still need one person to four way with Bombay, bob and I. The plan is soldiers. PM for Split pricing. pretty much divide blitz price by 4 and add $5 for shipping to you.
Bump. Still need a fourth player for this quad split. We want to take advantage of the weekend blitz. Anybody want 5 Soldier Sopranos? Let us know before the weekend is over.