host process for windows service virus?
Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 8,761
Need some computer help.Got back from vacay today, and noticed my computer was playing some random sounds, sounded like a readio station. I look at my sound mixer, and it shows "host process for windows service" is the thing making the sound. Run a virus scan with Microsoft Security Essentials and it finds nothing. I'm pretty anal about my computer security and run a full virus scan twice a week.Any ideas?
The host process is not something in and of itself. It's something which is being used to run any number of other things. Like the Java engine runs applets; so this host process may run your mixer. Or it may run something else. In all likelihood, there was some incompatibility between a program on your computer and this Windows host process. Like all things Windows: REBOOT.
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Do you have a valid key?
Completely wipe / reformat the drive ...
Then (re)install windows.
Had problems with an old XP machine a couple years ago, tried to just re-install the OS a couple times without wiping the drive ... problems kept happening.
Finally erased and reformatted the drive first, then reinstalled OS and that problem never happened again....
Best of luck, Rain. Hope you get it back up and running soon. Love technology when it works but absolutely hate it when things get FUBAR.
I can't tell you how many times I have to work on computers that have a virus program, malware, and everything under the sun and they still have a jacked machine. I mean what do these people do? I always ask but the same answer, ummm, windows sucks. So I dunno. I surf a lot and have yet to get a virus other than something very small. Usually it I get some tracking cookie thing or what have you. My work computer one time did get something horrible from just clicking on a new article from google news. That was fun.