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How many Contest...Winners

MVW67MVW67 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,447
Ok like last year, heading to Naples, FL golfing on Saturday...With 32 other guys and no women, what a sausage fest. LOL So, pretty much I smoke cigars morning, mid morning, on the course, afternoon, before dinner and how ever many after dinner....Plus there are always mooches there, so here is the contest:

How many cigars am I taking to Florida AND how many will I bring back? The closest to both wins!! They will win the quanity of sticks I return home with....they will NOT win the ones I bring back because most that I am taking I have received from you great brothers, with the exception of a few of my favs, I will replace them from my six pack cooler..LOL. Contest Will end Sat the 16th at High NOON!!!!! when I return home.

One guess per BOTL/BORKS/NEWBS/NOOBS what ever you wish to call yourself. If i don't know you well introduce yourself! Thank You Mike

Winners, Took 85 (Winner Catfish), came home with 14 Sticks (winners RobisSweet and 90+Irishman). Thanks For Playing will get sticks out, need to give my Liver a rest...LOL


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