Gadget Tester
Well been plunging away at it....its not finished but..... its meant to go up on igoogle...if anyone's into that ...putting it up now for some input ....what would you like to see the cigar review google gadget do?
Well tell me if your getting sick of me saying this....but!!! NEW REVIEW UP, Don Pepin series JJ maduro...if I made the big bucks Id smoke these suckers back to back everyday
Well i polished of my box of sancho panza double maduros last night, so i decided to do a review on the whole box, nice tasty smoke with a burn and ash I wish I could get on some of the higher priced smokes, if I wasnt so spoiled on the premium maduros i would buy another box and do it all over again.
AJ Fernandez is great! can anyone recommend some other good sticks by him...cant wait to try the new one..New review up on the website Sol Cubano Cuban Cabinet
AJ Fernandez is great! can anyone recommend some other good sticks by him...cant wait to try the new one..New review up on the website Sol Cubano Cuban Cabinet
He is behind quite a few. I think Man O War is his off the top of my head if you are looking to have another.
AJ Fernandez is great! can anyone recommend some other good sticks by him...cant wait to try the new one..New review up on the website Sol Cubano Cuban Cabinet
He is behind quite a few. I think Man O War is his off the top of my head if you are looking to have another.
Anyone wanna get on board the cigar bot train and publish cigar reviews on my website?
Winter is coming here and I shant be able to update all that frequently so im looking for a few good bots to do a review ever now and agian then mail me the content so I can format it and put it on the weab!!
let me know ! pm or email to
This guy that rolls cigars is sending me a sample. Was wondering if you would be willing to do a review of his stuff? He would be willing to offer you a link to your blog or website on his website. He is also going to be rolling at a B&M here soon. thought I could help shoot more traffic to your website. If you are interested pm me and I will give you his info so he can shoot you off some cigars to review.
Oh no, I lost my torch lighter!! ... Hey Vader, can I borrow your lightsaber?
Well been plunging away at it....its not finished but..... its meant to go up on igoogle...if anyone's into that ...putting it up now for some input ....what would you like to see the cigar review google gadget do?
NEW REVIEW UP, Don Pepin series JJ maduro...if I made the big bucks Id smoke these suckers back to back everyday
Thats what she said ...(Ya know somebody had to put it out there)
Man o war torp
Gurkha’s Triple Ligero
5 vegas limited 2008