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going to court

jihiggsjihiggs Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 468
so heres the story... last week, on saturday I was awoken at 1:30 am by some noise outside, I get up and look outside and see some maniac shooting up my apt building with a pistol. So I call the police, they send a unit over. I see the cop drive up and look around for a min. He calls me up and asks if I can come downstairs and show him what I saw. I go down, show him where he was standing and we find shell casings, and a cigarette that had recently been burned. He tells me they caught the guy down the street at the wendys. He had a gun and a pack of smokes on him that match what we found. Eventually he drives me down the street to ID the guy. I told him I couldnt say for sure but in my opinion that was the guy. So we go back to my place and he takes his dog and tracks from the apt to the cop car they had the guy sitting in. That was the end of that night, finaly about 3am. A couple days later a detective talks to me about it for more info. A couple days after that I run into the cop that came to my place, he tells me they linked the guy to a murder earlyer that night, and if the guy doesn't confess I may have to go to court. I am happy to do that to lock away a murderer, but I have heard that info like name and address has to be made known to the guys lawyer, and if the guy asks for it, the lawyer can give it to him. And if I show up to the court house and finger the guy, hes gonna know what I look like. If he doesn't get convicted that means he goes back out on the street, and he will know who fingered him. Has any one been through anything like this? Is there a contingency for wittness' that want to remain anonymous? If not, I'll have to get a concealed weapons permit and go to the gun show pretty soon.


  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    Is there a contingency for wittness' that want to remain anonymous? If not, I'll have to get a concealed weapons permit and go to the gun show pretty soon.
    yes there is. ask the cops and maybe a lawyer. I would wanna stay "faceless" also. concealed and carry permit isnt a bad idea anyway.
  • cusccrstud21cusccrstud21 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 84
    yea, you should be able to point him out in a line up and have it videod and allow the jury to see it but they can't give out your information if you tell them you want to remain anonymous in order to help insure your safety...but definitely talk to the detectives and then talk to a defense lawyer or public defender (so it's free)....let us know how it works out, i'll be praying for ya!
  • CastleCrestCastleCrest Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 51
    I'd talk to a lawyer -
  • jacobheymanjacobheyman Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14
    If im walking down the street and a cop looks at me i lawyer up.

    ask a few just to be sure.

    and good luck on not having to go.
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