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MVW67 must expect pay back and maybe even a bill from local tax payers

C-LOVEC-LOVE Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,249
A couple of weeks ago I rec'd a PM from Mike welcoming me to the forum and asking for my addy for his master list. I was very thankful for his welcome and w/o thinking gave him my address. Earlier this week I replied to him asking for his address ( I wanted to get involved in this whole bombing thing) he told me no problem he would send it to me. Well coming home from my daughters B-ball game this afternoon I turn onto my street and this is the scene in front of my house. photo m_zpse0bbee0d.jpg After an intense interrogation and a dry cavity search, the local police let me take my package and go into my house, that's when sh1t blew up. photo 004_zps24825a36.jpg This is the first time I've been bombed and I may have nightmares for some time. Mike I'm very thankful for the package, but know my friend that pay back is coming!


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