Since I have been laid up the wife put me in charge of our taxes, real exciting stuff here boys. But finally just got done and sent in thanks to turbo tax. Anyone else do theirs already?
Good for you! I wish I could, but I have a lot of outstanding 1099s and investment stuff that haven't come in yet. Plus I think I'll owe this year so I'll probably wait to the last minute to file. Sucky thing is that I'm right in the middle of doing my kid's college financial aid stuff and they apparently use the last filed tax return for calculations. Problem is I made much much more in 2011 than I did in 2012 so it'd be better if I could have them pull from my 2012 return instead. So either I bankrupt myself to pay what I owe now to get more financial aid for my kid, or pay in April and get less aid. Sucks either way.
I have mine ready to go. Just waiting on W2 from work. I started using an accountant about 7 years ago and only pay $120. Totally worth it to have someone who does this year round prepare them. I used to use Turbo Tax but it misses things and H&R Block is a rip off. I never thought a professional would be within my budget. H&R Block told me I owed money and I had my accountant check what they did and I got back several thousands dollars instead of owing. I never went back.
Good for you! I wish I could, but I have a lot of outstanding 1099s and investment stuff that haven't come in yet. Plus I think I'll owe this year so I'll probably wait to the last minute to file. Sucky thing is that I'm right in the middle of doing my kid's college financial aid stuff and they apparently use the last filed tax return for calculations. Problem is I made much much more in 2011 than I did in 2012 so it'd be better if I could have them pull from my 2012 return instead. So either I bankrupt myself to pay what I owe now to get more financial aid for my kid, or pay in April and get less aid. Sucks either way.
Stand-up guy for paying for your kid's college. Money well spent. If he went the Obama loan route he'd be in debt for the rest of his life. Hopefully he'll do well and get a good job and be of help to you in your older years.
Yeah u should b proud to help out your boy with college, he will thank u 1 day. It really helps us out farming and raising cattle. My wife makes way to much, and I make middle ground, so we get a lot of tax breaks from the crops and farm. Yeah it won't go through till the 30th.
Good for you! I wish I could, but I have a lot of outstanding 1099s and investment stuff that haven't come in yet. Plus I think I'll owe this year so I'll probably wait to the last minute to file. Sucky thing is that I'm right in the middle of doing my kid's college financial aid stuff and they apparently use the last filed tax return for calculations. Problem is I made much much more in 2011 than I did in 2012 so it'd be better if I could have them pull from my 2012 return instead. So either I bankrupt myself to pay what I owe now to get more financial aid for my kid, or pay in April and get less aid. Sucks either way.
Stand-up guy for paying for your kid's college. Money well spent. If he went the Obama loan route he'd be in debt for the rest of his life. Hopefully he'll do well and get a good job and be of help to you in your older years.
He is going the student loan route, just like his Dad did the Ronald Reagan student loan route in his time. I sure as hell can't afford to pay all of his college costs, just as my folks couldn't pay mine. And even if you hate Obama, at least he took the frickin' banks out as middlemen for college loans so my son won't have to pay all the extra 'hidden bank fees' for doing nothing that I had to pay when I got mine.
You can't file electronically until the 30th.