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Something Is In The Water

RCY CigarsRCY Cigars Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,346
Okay, I don't know what is going on with these new guys. Especially ones from Michigan. One thing is for sure, they are on the map. I set up a trade with Puff Master (Ryan). Everything is going smooth, no bashing each other. Just friendly PM's like civil individuals. We made it a blind trade, no problem right. Next thing I know I get a PM telling me. Sorry for the delay he had to find some C4. WTWhat, C4, it hasn't even been 24hrs yet. All I can say, it's something in the water in Michigan. Because everyone I have met from there has lost their mind when it comes to being a BOTL.

Check this trade out, look at his C4 package. Thanks Ryan, all favorites except for the C4, lol...


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