Double "D" Trade
Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,447
So Drew aka ddubridge was looking for a sponsor on the Newbie Trading thread and I gladly accepted his challenge. But it was supposed to be 5 for 5, Tony aka Sleeveplz aka Teacher can we have a math class here???? Seems Drew needs some additonal homework... Working at home office today and dogs are going nuts and I figured someone was here...noticed it was a substitue for the normal mail lady. so decided to look out curtain and watch, knowing package was coming today.. Like a little kid giggling until it blew up in his face!! After a few choice words from the sub, decided to retrieve said package, open to find a wonderful assortment of sticks, with acouple of my go to sticks as well.. Thank you for the great sticks DD, my turn.................never strike first...LOL
Mike, I am not worthy of your wrath. I will enjoy these so much. Thanks again. Now time to update the wish list in the bio. Not much left.