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My Christmas wish for everyone here.

0patience0patience Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,767
I'd like to make a Christmas wish for all of my "extended family" here.
You are all special people with hearts that are bigger than most people can only hope to have.
There are some of you who have become very close friends and I value that a lot.

I hope this Christmas brings you and your family great joy and the new year brings prosperity to you.

As I stated in another post, if you need to talk, vent or what ever, let me know. I will PM you my number. As I said, I'm not the smartest person in the world, but I do know how to listen.

After getting to know some of you, I find that there is great value in good friends and it is a value I will not forget.

We all sometimes hit rough patches and this forums is a family that is unmatched anywheres. There is no doubt that, as a family, we go through times where feathers get ruffled, but we work through it.

My best to you and your familys for the Christmas holiday and hope that the new year brings you all a lot of joy.

Ok, that's enough of that sappy stuff. LOL!


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