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No Wish, But Santa Granted!!!!

MVW67MVW67 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,447
First thing for the rest of Santa's good little Botl/Sotl... Santa's Elves has installed the incorrect return addys on packages......Not ME!!! So I get home yesterday and am expecting package for my SS pass, cool, it's there when I get home, but then a larger package sits under it????? Thinking to self WTF, when I open it I then realize that Santa is REAL.

Awhile ago I mentioned on another chat session, that I was thinking of trying some Rum with cigars and was going to start a venture into it... So with no wish for Santa figured I was safe... Wrong, Well Santa must've found out and decided to help me along with my quest!!! A truely amazing gesture on his part, Thank you your generosity is unsurpassed! Not sure I am deserving ....... I heart you, wink wink!!




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