I swear my wife could alternate between Japenese and Chinese food daily and be as happy as heck the rest of her life. Its always her first choice ...no she's not oriental either ...but dang too much of a good thing ...
Meh, I regularly have a smoke on an empty stomach and don't have a problem. As long as I'm not eating or drinking anything to alter the taste of the cigar too much I'm happy.
I usually enjoy a cigar late at night after my wife and kids have gone to bed and I've only once had a bad experience, mine also was with an RP stick. I got about half way through and I was really dizzy and nauseated. Otherwise from teeing off at 6:30am to mid afternoon or late at night I usually don't have any ill effects....that is unless you count all the dirty looks from other parents at the park where I take my kids to play. Kinda like Marla Singer's smoking at the TB support group in "Fight Club"....it just doesn't go over well there.
Its probably that you have acid reflux and you are swallowing a bit of smoke and saliva that is coated in the smoke and that is aggrivating your GI Reflux.
the act of putting somthing to your mouth, and the sensation of smoke in your mouth along with the flavor causes your body to react by increasing production of stomach acid. also I think nicotine does this. its the same as chewing gum. I always got hungry when I chewed gum, my stomach would get ready to digest somthing and there was nothing there.
the act of putting somthing to your mouth, and the sensation of smoke in your mouth along with the flavor causes your body to react by increasing production of stomach acid. also I think nicotine does this. its the same as chewing gum. I always got hungry when I chewed gum, my stomach would get ready to digest somthing and there was nothing there.
It's taking a lot not to comment on that first part....
I think i'm stealing some knowledge i picked up from Kuzi, but some sugar on the back of your tongue works wonders to get rid of that queazy feeling after a heavy smoke!
I am gonna have to remember that sugar trick, I got queazy one time after smoking a RP Olde World Reserve on an empty stomach...bad mistake...didn't even realize i hadn't eaten anything till after I felt bad...lesson learned.
I tried the sugar trick last night after a Churchill SCCC. It didn't take much, and in a matter of seconds I felt TONS better. I love that tip, I'm gonna pass it on.
Sometimes I get really bad acid reflux and belching fits..sometimes...anyone know what that's all about?
I have horrible acid reflux. The three worst things for it is nicotine, alcohol, and caffine. Needless to say, I was going to have to figure something out. The doctor perscribed nexium (purple pill) and I take a zantac 150 (generic works just as well) at night before bed. I only get a problem once a month now instead of everyday. Try it out and I bet you'll be a new man.
Sometimes I get really bad acid reflux and belching fits..sometimes...anyone know what that's all about?
I have horrible acid reflux. The three worst things for it is nicotine, alcohol, and caffine. Needless to say, I was going to have to figure something out. The doctor perscribed nexium (purple pill) and I take a zantac 150 (generic works just as well) at night before bed. I only get a problem once a month now instead of everyday. Try it out and I bet you'll be a new man.
I have really bad acid reflux and ulcers and I used to take Zantac until I was taking about 600 milligrams a day. The doctor advised me to give Prilosec 1 a day and after about a week I have had no more trouble at all. I wish I had known how well it worked years ago, just a little FYI for chronic reflux sufferers out there.
Is it just me or are a never ending supply of pills just making things worse? My father has rheumatoid arthritis and they have screwed him up a few times by juggle dosages... My mother has another form of arthritis and the meds they had her on blew up her BP so when she said she wasn't taking it any longer they wanted to up the dosage as the previous dose wasn't working, on top of that she had to take BP pills. She said F it and started taking some natural stuff and tea and now her BP is down and her arthritis is much better.
As Chris Rock once said - "You mean to tell me we can send a space ship to the moon but we can't build an Eldorado with a bumper that doesn't fall off!" It speaks on many levels.
yeh i guess eating thumbs like pez isn't gonna cut it anymore....HA!
oh and fresh lemon and lime work pretty well, not heavy duty but if your every in a bind
Caffeine increases appetite as well so keep in mind that if you drink soda, tea or coffee after eating that will affect you as well.
Although I know many people dont like to drink anything strong with their cigars.