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Didn't see this in the U.S. media

fla-gypsyfla-gypsy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,023


  • MTuccelliMTuccelli Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,587
    Thanks for the link, a very interesting read but sadly those that need global warming to make a buck will disallow this as crap data.
  • fla-gypsyfla-gypsy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,023
    Thanks for the link, a very interesting read but sadly those that need global warming to make a buck will disallow this as crap data.
    It's their data??? They can disavow it, spin it, claim anomalies, whatever, the data is real.
  • stadstad Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 386
    The drudgereport had a link to this story a few days ago. Others have also been saying this for some time. To think that we feeble humans are causing the earth to warm by driving around in car and trucks and burning a little coal is the height of mans pride. It's been reported that one volcano eruption spews more co2 and harmful crap than all the pollution made during the industrial revolution.
    God formed a marvelous creation, it's our responsibity to properly manage it and take care of it. Using propaganda and false claim to create social change and behavior is not what conservation is about.
  • Amos UmwhatAmos Umwhat Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,523
    The drudgereport had a link to this story a few days ago. Others have also been saying this for some time. To think that we feeble humans are causing the earth to warm by driving around in car and trucks and burning a little coal is the height of mans pride. It's been reported that one volcano eruption spews more co2 and harmful crap than all the pollution made during the industrial revolution.
    God formed a marvelous creation, it's our responsibity to properly manage it and take care of it. Using propaganda and false claim to create social change and behavior is not what conservation is about.
    Good points, all. Remember Mt. St. Helens eruption? More air pollution than all of mans contributions for more than 500 years. Same with the eruption in Iceland a couple years ago. Vanity!
    Do we contribute? Of course we do. I pick up pennies when I find them, and that contributes to my income, on about the same level.
    Should we consider such things when regulating our activities? Of course we should, just because it's the right thing to do.
    Carbon Footprints? My big ole butt. How goofy is that?
  • fla-gypsyfla-gypsy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,023
    The drudgereport had a link to this story a few days ago. Others have also been saying this for some time. To think that we feeble humans are causing the earth to warm by driving around in car and trucks and burning a little coal is the height of mans pride. It's been reported that one volcano eruption spews more co2 and harmful crap than all the pollution made during the industrial revolution.
    God formed a marvelous creation, it's our responsibity to properly manage it and take care of it. Using propaganda and false claim to create social change and behavior is not what conservation is about.
    This came to mind; "History shows again and again how nature points out the folly of man!"
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