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Chi Herf MVW & GREG

MVW67MVW67 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,447
First thing I walk into hotel and notice gentleman.....sitting in chair, go up to room thinking looks like Greg the Bear. Drop stuff in room and head back down, walk up and say Greg??? Mike??? and the fun begins. We head off for some great deep dish pizza, truely amazing!! Then after a great meal of to the B&M. When I say B&M unfrickin believable... This year My Father 2012 Nov release all will be there , Pete Johnson signed just about all of the 50-100 boxes, New releases of Pete, there next april. Very impressed.
So after drooling all over floors, head to vault ummm bad decision. Then grab supplies from car and take the private elevator down to lounge... and so it begins, I hit Greg, he destroys me(pics in Trade) we crack open beverage and fire up Cohiba BHK 52s and settle into great conversation and then fire up Oktoberfest later. Great time and can't wait for the next one!!! Great evening with a great Botl!!!


The Bear
Yes your my DADDY!! LMAO


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