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Presidential Debate

beatnicbeatnic Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,133
Anybody watch? Comments? JDH, Phobic, Vulchor?

I saw Romney walking all over the Obama. What's your take?


  • RainRain Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 8,761
    Anybody watch? Comments? JDH, Phobic, Vulchor?

    I saw Romney walking all over the Obama. What's your take?
    Know your audiance haha.
  • beatnicbeatnic Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,133
    Anybody watch? Comments? JDH, Phobic, Vulchor?

    I saw Romney walking all over the Obama. What's your take?
    Know your audiance haha.
    I know who will engage me. Damn, I must be lonely. LOL
  • james40james40 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,450
    Anybody watch? Comments? JDH, Phobic, Vulchor?

    I saw Romney walking all over the Obama. What's your take?
    Romney came to win and he did. I was impressed to see him debate the way he did. We will see what happens at the next debate. I think I caught two contradictions from Obama.
  • catfishbluezzcatfishbluezz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,993
    I think Romney smashed him, as well as many of Obama's supporters. Ryan will do the same, and I think you will see a significant shift. I was surprised how bad how he was honestly... He seemed unprepared, smirk, and his verbiage was wavering um....uh....um....uh....me and....uh....um....he sounded as bad as W honestly!
  • JLonsinger2011JLonsinger2011 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 258
    And he kept looking down as to where Romney would look him straight in the eyes. Romney wiped his ass with Obama.
  • JDHJDH Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,107
    I didn't watch the debate last night. We watched an old George C Scott film, The Flim Flam Man, instead. I thought it was more approproiate, and it was a lot funnier than the debate, I'm sure.

    However, according to the fact checkers, Romney, as usual, is an expert at lying, which makes him a good salesman. Personally, I really don't care what Mr. Romney says at this point, because he's changed his story and told so many lies in the last 18 months, that the only thing I can count on him doing is saying anything to anyone at any time as long as that's what he thinks they want to hear.

    He will not get my vote, regardless of how he performs in these debates. Voting for him would be like voting for Joey Isuzu.
  • webmostwebmost Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,131
  • jgibvjgibv Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,996
    Missed the debate last night....trying to find some recap articles online.

    I gotta say though, I'm a little surprised to see y'all saying Romney did well -- every time I've seen him speak before now has been less than impressive, IMO.
  • beatnicbeatnic Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,133
    Last night was the first time the liberal media was not filtering what his message was. All you've heard before this were negative, 60-second sound bites. Even your beloved ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN reporters were taken aback about the clarity of his message. And on top of that, the Big O was completely useless without his teleprompter. Da, uh, uh, da, was pretty much all he could say.
  • VulchorVulchor Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,176
    Romney delivered a fantastic debate and was convincing to the audience he was trying to convince. I maintain his "facts" are wrong, his plans lack substance, and he would be a poor choice. This said, did he have a good debate and defeat Obama? Yes. Do I feel what was said is what is meant? No.
  • C.Hern5972C.Hern5972 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 19
    Romney had a great debate and was ready for sure. He stood up and walked all over Obama. Abama coul dnot get a word in that made any sence unless it was uhh uhmm uhh... May now people will open their eyes and see the real person running our country..
  • mmccartneydcmmccartneydc Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,358
    Stayed up til 2 watching for the second time. To me, Romney's message was very clear. The President's however, was not. As far as fact checking went, CNN ran both numbers that were thrown around and NEITHER were being totally honest. I forget how they stated it, but Romney's were closer to the truth than Obama's. My .02!
  • danielzreyesdanielzreyes Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,739
    I will vote for who ever has the best Gangnam Style.
  • jthanatosjthanatos Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,563
    I will for who ever has the best Gangnam Style.
  • jgibvjgibv Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,996
    Last night was the first time the liberal media was not filtering what his message was. All you've heard before this were negative, 60-second sound bites. Even your beloved ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN reporters were taken aback about the clarity of his message. And on top of that, the Big O was completely useless without his teleprompter. Da, uh, uh, da, was pretty much all he could say.
    Been watching a replay of the debate, and reading other write ups about it and ... yes I'd agree that, other than the RNC, this is the first time the majority of voters (including myself) have seen something other "soundbites." I'd agree that up until this point most folks have only seen short, 1-5 minute soundbites/clips on local TV or the internet, other than the RNC coverage.

    As far as Obama's & Romney's delivery, mannerisms, body language, etc. - I'd agree Romney "won." Because at the end of the day, I think Romney's message came across clearer.
    But after reading some of the "fact-checker" articles, Romney seemed to spew more BS than Obama ...

    I hope to catch the next debates, I'll be interested to see how Obama "recovers" from this.
    I will for who ever has the best Gangnam Style.
    For your enjoyment: Mitt Romney Style (parody)
  • jadeltjadelt Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 766
    It was clear to me that Obama is not used to people questioning him and disagreeing with him and asking him the tough questions. The media clearly will not hit him with the tough questions. Obama is surrounded by people who adore every word he says without question. With no teleprompter the real Obama shows.
  • mmccartneydcmmccartneydc Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,358
    But after reading some of the "fact-checker" articles, Romney seemed to spew more BS than Obama ...

    I hope to catch the next debates, I'll be interested to see how Obama "recovers" from this.
    Hey, which articles are you referring to. I'd like to see these too!
  • jthanatosjthanatos Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,563
    But after reading some of the "fact-checker" articles, Romney seemed to spew more BS than Obama ...

    I hope to catch the next debates, I'll be interested to see how Obama "recovers" from this.
    Hey, which articles are you referring to. I'd like to see these too!
    I usually use politifact
  • jthanatosjthanatos Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,563
    It was clear to me that Obama is not used to people questioning him and disagreeing with him and asking him the tough questions. The media clearly will not hit him with the tough questions. Obama is surrounded by people who adore every word he says without question. With no teleprompter the real Obama shows.
    Yeah, Clinton, Geithner, Vilsack, and Panetta are notorious Yes-men. /sarcasm

    Seriously, he is a president, he gets hard questions everyday. So does Romney as a leader of industry. Romney seemed to handle it better, but that just might be because he had more time to prepare, as a full time candidate vs full time President. I will be interested to see how the next debates turn out after some coaching...
  • jadeltjadelt Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 766
    It was clear to me that Obama is not used to people questioning him and disagreeing with him and asking him the tough questions. The media clearly will not hit him with the tough questions. Obama is surrounded by people who adore every word he says without question. With no teleprompter the real Obama shows.
    Yeah, Clinton, Geithner, Vilsack, and Panetta are notorious Yes-men. /sarcasm

    Seriously, he is a president, he gets hard questions everyday. So does Romney as a leader of industry. Romney seemed to handle it better, but that just might be because he had more time to prepare, as a full time candidate vs full time President. I will be interested to see how the next debates turn out after some coaching...
    I see your point....... it is hard to be President and he clearly didnt have time to prepare for the debate with The View and Letterman and Vegas and Jay-Z and Beyonce and all the other hard presidential stuff he had to do.
  • webmostwebmost Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,131
    But after reading some of the "fact-checker" articles, Romney seemed to spew more BS than Obama ...

    I hope to catch the next debates, I'll be interested to see how Obama "recovers" from this.
    Hey, which articles are you referring to. I'd like to see these too!
    I usually use politifact
    So I went just now to politifact, and using their questionable ratings to date, I get 9 Romney "facts" checked with an average rating of just over 2 1/2 -- and six Obama "facts" checked with and average rating right at 2 1/2. Clearly, both lie almost half the time.

  • beatnicbeatnic Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,133
    It was clear to me that Obama is not used to people questioning him and disagreeing with him and asking him the tough questions. The media clearly will not hit him with the tough questions. Obama is surrounded by people who adore every word he says without question. With no teleprompter the real Obama shows.
    Yeah, Clinton, Geithner, Vilsack, and Panetta are notorious Yes-men. /sarcasm

    Seriously, he is a president, he gets hard questions everyday. So does Romney as a leader of industry. Romney seemed to handle it better, but that just might be because he had more time to prepare, as a full time candidate vs full time President. I will be interested to see how the next debates turn out after some coaching...
    He had 4 years to prepare. The numbers and facts should be able to just roll off his tongue.
  • jadeltjadelt Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 766
    It was clear to me that Obama is not used to people questioning him and disagreeing with him and asking him the tough questions. The media clearly will not hit him with the tough questions. Obama is surrounded by people who adore every word he says without question. With no teleprompter the real Obama shows.
    Yeah, Clinton, Geithner, Vilsack, and Panetta are notorious Yes-men. /sarcasm

    Seriously, he is a president, he gets hard questions everyday. So does Romney as a leader of industry. Romney seemed to handle it better, but that just might be because he had more time to prepare, as a full time candidate vs full time President. I will be interested to see how the next debates turn out after some coaching...
    Lets take them one by one.....
    Clinton.... a cigar guy who just doesnt know where exactly he is supposed to insert it then lies about it........
    Geithner.... a guy running the tax department....didn't pay Social Security and Medicare taxes for several years while he worked for the International Monetary Fund, and he employed an immigrant housekeeper who briefly lacked proper work papers
    Vilsack.....Obama appointee.... a good guy..... has a glowing reputation as being a schill for agribusiness biotech giants like Monsanto...... but he is a good guy
    Panetta...US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta added his voice to the chorus of American officials rebuffing Israel’s call for “red lines” on Iran, saying he did not want to see the US put in a corner (backing up Obama YES MAN he did and does) But still a good guy.

    Regarding time to prepare......

    I see your point....... it is hard to be President and he clearly didnt have time to prepare for the debate what with The View and Letterman and Vegas and Jay-Z and Beyonce and all the other hard presidential stuff he had to do.
  • jthanatosjthanatos Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,563
    It was clear to me that Obama is not used to people questioning him and disagreeing with him and asking him the tough questions. The media clearly will not hit him with the tough questions. Obama is surrounded by people who adore every word he says without question. With no teleprompter the real Obama shows.
    Yeah, Clinton, Geithner, Vilsack, and Panetta are notorious Yes-men. /sarcasm

    Seriously, he is a president, he gets hard questions everyday. So does Romney as a leader of industry. Romney seemed to handle it better, but that just might be because he had more time to prepare, as a full time candidate vs full time President. I will be interested to see how the next debates turn out after some coaching...
    Lets take them one by one.....
    Clinton.... a cigar guy who just doesnt know where exactly he is supposed to insert it then lies about it........
    Geithner.... a guy running the tax department....didn't pay Social Security and Medicare taxes for several years while he worked for the International Monetary Fund, and he employed an immigrant housekeeper who briefly lacked proper work papers
    Vilsack.....Obama appointee.... a good guy..... has a glowing reputation as being a schill for agribusiness biotech giants like Monsanto...... but he is a good guy
    Panetta...US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta added his voice to the chorus of American officials rebuffing Israel’s call for “red lines” on Iran, saying he did not want to see the US put in a corner (backing up Obama YES MAN he did and does) But still a good guy.

    Regarding time to prepare......

    I see your point....... it is hard to be President and he clearly didnt have time to prepare for the debate what with The View and Letterman and Vegas and Jay-Z and Beyonce and all the other hard presidential stuff he had to do.
    So, how does any of this contradict my point that Obama is questioned and disagreed with by people even in his Cabinet (which would be the Clinton I was refering to) and that he wasn't as prepared as Romney? You just listed them and said what you don't like about them.

    I disagree with many of Obama's policies on almost every level, but to say he never is asked tough questions as President is just dishonest. It is no different than those that insisted GWB was a dummy that let those around him make his decisions. It is a crutch to potray the "other guy" as a lesser person than "your guy". And yes, I will stand behind my statement that a sitting President has more to do daily, scheduled public appearences or not, than a Presidential candidate.
  • webmostwebmost Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,131
    It was George W Bush's fault.
  • jthanatosjthanatos Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,563
    It was George W Bush's fault.
    I thought it was San Andreas'
  • jgibvjgibv Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,996
    But after reading some of the "fact-checker" articles, Romney seemed to spew more BS than Obama ...

    I hope to catch the next debates, I'll be interested to see how Obama "recovers" from this.
    Hey, which articles are you referring to. I'd like to see these too!
    I usually use politifact
    Yes I usually use politifact or articles that reference politifact.... I believe the specific articles I read were from WSJ NYTimes & local Newspaper. PM me a reminder please & I will look for the links later tonight or tomorrow. On the phone in car the rest of this afternoon

    Edit: and yes they both told lies or half-truths, no doubt about that. It just seems to me that Romney has been less truthful over all - just my $.02
  • mmccartneydcmmccartneydc Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,358
    But after reading some of the "fact-checker" articles, Romney seemed to spew more BS than Obama ...

    I hope to catch the next debates, I'll be interested to see how Obama "recovers" from this.
    Hey, which articles are you referring to. I'd like to see these too!
    I usually use politifact
    Yes I usually use politifact or articles that reference politifact.... I believe the specific articles I read were from WSJ NYTimes & local Newspaper. PM me a reminder please & I will look for the links later tonight or tomorrow. On the phone in car the rest of this afternoon

    Edit: and yes they both told lies or half-truths, no doubt about that. It just seems to me that Romney has been less truthful over all - just my $.02
    It is funny how we have different filters as to how we hear things. Because to me, Obama was far more "half-truthful" than Romney. But that is to be expected.

    Like I told my wife last night, "honey, its not a matter of them being honest, it's whether you can live with each's particular lies."
  • jthanatosjthanatos Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,563
    Like I told my wife last night, "honey, its not a matter of them being honest, it's whether you can live with each's particular lies."
    And this is why politics makes me sad.
  • jihiggsjihiggs Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 468
    I really don't know where people get off saying romney is so dishonest. i'm sure you could catch him with a more than a few errors of interpretation, and some things he said could be discredited with other data. the problem is there is too much information, and too many brains out there trying to cross reference everything. who's to say those fact checkers are correct? you take them at their word but not romney, its because you are automatically bias towards believing what you read and not believing the guy you are not rooting for. on the other side, we have obama, we dont need to fact check his claims, all we need to do is look around and see what he has accomplished in 4 years. all he focused on was health care and bailing out big business with our money, which he discredits others who do the same. I dont need to know if he is a liar or not, I already know hes not up to the job, and leaders dont pass the blame, they take responsibility and action, I have seen neither from him.
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