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prayers for my dad....

Rail JockeyRail Jockey Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 758
yesterday my dad was minding his own business in his wood shop turning one of his hand made pens. he started to feel dizzy and stopped what he was doing and started to walk over to a chair and sit down. about half way to his chair, he passed smooth out, and dropped. my dad is a mountain of a man....so when he fell, he broke two bones in his ankle, and severly dislocated his ankle and tore all the tendons and ligiments in there. his ankle was so bad they had to land a helicopter in the pasture across the street from his house, and flew him to dallas. once stable at the hospital he was transported to the VA hospital for surgery. the surgery will most likely be monday. he just recovered from being down and out for 3 months after having his defibulator / pacemaker and all the leads replaced. he has been retired for 10 months now, and said at this rate he is going to have to go back to work. i usually dont ask, but any little prayers sent up would be appriciated. thanks guys..........


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