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Thank you and Farewell Part 3

catfishbluezzcatfishbluezz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,993
That's what the mail lady said when she dropped this off and handed me my demise....


So without further aideu.... First up is James Glaw? Not sure whom this is, take your claim like a man son....you are added to the list.

Next is Randy Ewing....again, not sure who you are....so claim it now.... imageimage

Next up we have Pross...a noob, how cute....you will die....

Next up is Reggie73 I believe

Then the Mayor of Beloit, WI decided to jump in the mix....

The noob from WA stepped in...Nickiam, I am no stranger to destroying WA.... image

Apparently Michigan decided to throw their two cents in....the millitia will die...one by one

Then we have Robert O, not sure of the screen name so ante up....

And last up the *** behind it all... I had a feeling of your trickery brohammer... Congrats on rallying the troops, yours will be a slow death....

I jsut want to say thanks to everyone involved. This was not necessary. I am planning a cigar drive for Steve here soon, and I will donate a good portion on your behalf as honestly no person needs this many cigars. Now I am not Mike....and will not immediately send out revenge. I keep a list, and it had got down to only a few. So thanks for recharging that list....you will not know when it will hit, you might get suckered into a trade....but you will all get smacked when least expected. Tons of great smokes, favorites, new smokes, stuff I've wanted to try, etc.... I cannot thank you all enough, this is awesome...

Good thing I just grabbed another humi on Fri........... And if I forgot anyone, or mixed something up i apologize. I tried to keep track lol...9 boxes.


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