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SleevePlzSleevePlz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,408
Alright, so I had an idea to do a big lottery with a guaranteed winner each month. This is in no way intended to replace the existing weekly lottery that is already ongoing. I simply would like to create another opportunity for someone to win a lot of cigars! The rules are simple. You may pick 1-5 numbers between 1 and 100. Please verify that the numbers you are choosing are available before submitting. You are gambling 2 cigars per number picked. Once all 100 numbers have been selected, a random number drawing will be held (possibly live?) and the winner will be selected. So depending on the number of entries placed by the winner, the prize pool will be anywhere from 190-198 cigars! Assuming there is adequate participation, I think we could do this once a month. To participate, you must be on the Good Traders List (completed at least one successful trade/bomb). The cigars sent to the winner should be good, premium cigars, not your crappy dog rockets that you want to pawn off on someone else. All cigars should be sent to the winner ASAP. I’m sure I’m forgetting some details, but without further ado, let’s start picking some numbers! 1 2 Vision 3 Rain 4 Rain 5 Buffalonian 6 Rain 7 scarlin 8 Rain 9 Rain 10 pross 11 Robertgreen30 12 SleevePlz 13 Reggie713 14 Bigshizza 15 pross 16 17 18 Vision 19 Vulchor 20 pross 21 22 Bigshizza 23 Lee 24 25 jgibv 26 SleevePlz 27 scarlin 28 29 30 Vision 31 Buffalonian 32 33 34 35 Bigshizza 36 37 jgibv 38 39 40 Robertgreen30 41 42 Lee 43 Buffalonian 44 mmccartneydc 45 mmccartneydc 46 mmccartneydc 47 mmccartneydc 48 mmccartneydc 49 Reggie713 50 51 52 jgibv 53 54 55 56 scarlin 57 Lee 58 59 60 61 Bigshizza 62 Vision 63 scarlin 64 65 66 67 Robertgreen30 68 69 Buffalonian 70 71 72 73 74 75 SleevePlz 76 Lee 77 pross 78 Robertgreen30 79 80 81 scarlin 82 83 84 85 86 Reggie713 87 88 89 Bigshizza 90 91 Vulchor 92 93 Lee 94 95 96 97 98 99 Vision 100 Robertgreen30


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