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webmostwebmost Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,131
Does it seem to you as though liberals have a thing for charisma? Not only do they admire it, but they seem to crave it, they feel compelled to follow it. As a result, the demogogues they follow tend to have more of it. Perhaps this propensity to hero worship comes from their eagerness to find someone they think they can trust and to whom they can hand the reins of their lives (and mine in the process). Never mind that these empty promises are routinely broken. Never mind that a glib tongue, an assured manner, a distinguished appearance, are no guarantee of character. It just inspires them. They want so desperately to believe in Camelot.

It takes a special kind of glib sociopath to become a liberal politician. It takes a special kind of acolyte to hang on his every word.


  • jthanatosjthanatos Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,563
    It takes a special kind of glib sociopath to become a politician.

    Fixed that for you. ... Though I think a few might be psychopaths, not sociopaths.
  • pelirrojopelirrojo Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,520
    Does it seem to you as though liberals have a thing for charisma? Not only do they admire it, but they seem to crave it, they feel compelled to follow it. As a result, the demogogues they follow tend to have more of it. Perhaps this propensity to hero worship comes from their eagerness to find someone they think they can trust and to whom they can hand the reins of their lives (and mine in the process). Never mind that these empty promises are routinely broken. Never mind that a glib tongue, an assured manner, a distinguished appearance, are no guarantee of character. It just inspires them. They want so desperately to believe in Camelot.

    It takes a special kind of glib sociopath to become a liberal politician. It takes a special kind of acolyte to hang on his every word.

    Really??? I think what you just did was describe most politicians. This one seems to go both ways. Many politicians' agendas do not 100% align with their supporters' agendas and therefore one must essentially pick the candidate who is more appealing on a personal level i.e. the one you'd most like to share a beer with. That is charisma to me. You don't think Romney is where he is today because he's not charismatic? Isn't that essentially what got W elected? He was a good ole' boy that everyone(conservative) liked. This just sounds like you're looking for something to bash liberals. No facts here, just opinion, which you are of course entitled to.
  • webmostwebmost Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,131
    No, come on. You guys don't see that? I think it's a slam dunk.

    Don't get me wrong. I am not saying the rest of them aren't sociopaths as well. That's the achilles heel of democracy, is that you have these sketchy cats running around day after day year after year pretending they are mister clean and the other guy is pond scum. There's something unbalanced in anyone who would choose to spend to many weeks on the campaign trail. It's wacky. I'm just saying the libs are head and shoulders more glib at it. And the listeners are more star struck. They crave it.

    Look at Slick Willie the other night. Me personally, once a guy starts quibbling his way out of trouble by claiming it all depends what your definition of is is, after that I have no faith in what he says, don't need to hear it Diddled the office intern his wife in the same house. That defines his character. But here he is now, giving a rousing nomination speech to thunderous applause from starry eyed followers. Charisma. Obama has plenty charisma. Tells whoppers and they eat it up.

    Compare that to a guy who actually does make sense, like Ron Paul. Reedy little voice and his ears stick out. Or compare that to a guy too dumb to make sense, like GWB. "You're doing a great job, Brownie." Remember that? Dork. GW looks like a bobble head. No charisma, either one. Neither one would make it as a community organizer. Kennedy had charisma, good hair, and a cute wife -- Nixon just looked sweaty. Reagan had charisma, but there's always an exception in human affairs, right? Mitt the twit is an empty suit.

    No, Overall, I think it's a slam dunk. Glibber by far on the left.

  • pelirrojopelirrojo Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,520
    I don't think Democrat politicians are any more charismatic than their Republican counterparts. The DNC is the same kind of self-involved ass-kissing fest that the RNC is. You can't single one out over the other. Charisma is something I think most voters seek in their candidates of choice. Agreeing with a politicians campaign statements should be most of what one casts a vote based on, but if it is a difficult decision, I think voters choose the more charismatic of the two options. I wish there were more than two options.
  • jthanatosjthanatos Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,563
    No, come on. You guys don't see that? I think it's a slam dunk.

    Don't get me wrong. I am not saying the rest of them aren't sociopaths as well. That's the achilles heel of democracy, is that you have these sketchy cats running around day after day year after year pretending they are mister clean and the other guy is pond scum. There's something unbalanced in anyone who would choose to spend to many weeks on the campaign trail. It's wacky. I'm just saying the libs are head and shoulders more glib at it. And the listeners are more star struck. They crave it.

    Look at Slick Willie the other night. Me personally, once a guy starts quibbling his way out of trouble by claiming it all depends what your definition of is is, after that I have no faith in what he says, don't need to hear it Diddled the office intern his wife in the same house. That defines his character. But here he is now, giving a rousing nomination speech to thunderous applause from starry eyed followers. Charisma. Obama has plenty charisma. Tells whoppers and they eat it up.

    Compare that to a guy who actually does make sense, like Ron Paul. Reedy little voice and his ears stick out. Or compare that to a guy too dumb to make sense, like GWB. "You're doing a great job, Brownie." Remember that? Dork. GW looks like a bobble head. No charisma, either one. Neither one would make it as a community organizer. Kennedy had charisma, good hair, and a cute wife -- Nixon just looked sweaty. Reagan had charisma, but there's always an exception in human affairs, right? Mitt the twit is an empty suit.

    No, Overall, I think it's a slam dunk. Glibber by far on the left.

    I might give you glib, if only because the right generally tends more stoic. I won't give you charisma. Any high level politician is charismatic. You don't get to be a cult of personality when you don't have a way with charming people, and plenty of butt ugly people are able to stir people up. Ron Paul, Stalin, Teddy Roosevelt, Thatcher, hell, Henry Kissinger was ugly as a post, but the man commanded attention. Also, they all lie, left, right, center. Stop trying to invent boogeymen to say why you the other side is worse than your sociopaths.

    "Democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried." ~ Churchill (another ugly charismatic SOB)
  • fla-gypsyfla-gypsy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,023
    I think your assessment is dead on.
  • VulchorVulchor Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,176
    what a suprise;)
  • JDHJDH Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,107
    This is just one more "why I hate liberals" rant, because they're all this or that blah blah blah blah. Nothing new here, no ideas to discuss, only a personal hatred and attack on those some people like to call "liberals". YAWN.

    According to webmost, liberals seem to crave charisma, they feel compelled to follow it, they follow demagogues, are prone to hero worship, and they willingly hand the reins of their lives over to such people, and it takes a special kind of glib sociopath to become a liberal politician, and it takes a special kind of acolyte to hang on his every word.

    Define your enemy, and speak for him.
    Joseph Gobbles
  • beatnicbeatnic Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,133
    This is just one more "why I hate liberals" rant, because they're all this or that blah blah blah blah. Nothing new here, no ideas to discuss, only a personal hatred and attack on those some people like to call "liberals". YAWN.

    According to webmost, liberals seem to crave charisma, they feel compelled to follow it, they follow demagogues, are prone to hero worship, and they willingly hand the reins of their lives over to such people, and it takes a special kind of glib sociopath to become a liberal politician, and it takes a special kind of acolyte to hang on his every word.

    Define your enemy, and speak for him.
    Joseph Gobbles
    Webmost has valid points.
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