Anyone else like the last 1/3 of a cigar the most?
0 That Guy 0
Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 188
I have found myself enjoying the final 1/3 of almost every cigar I smoke more then any other part of the cigar. I just feel like the smoke gets thicker, smoother, and is loaded with flavor at this point. Am I strange for enjoying the last 1/3 more or do others feel the same?
Zino Davidoff would tell you you are not a gentleman though. He said many times and wrote in his books that a gentleman only smokes the first half of a cigar, because there are things that come out in the second half that a gentleman doesn't want to taste.
Yeah I got me a phat vacation coming up--June 8 ...8 days off and there will be plenty of smoking and drinking and whatever the he-ll else I feel like doing !!!
1) Tobacco blending. Each part of the tobacco leaf tastes different, so skilled cigar rollers will blend their tobacco as they roll to produce certain flavor profiles as the cigar is smoked. You may simply enjoy the flavor of the blend used on the final 1/3rd.
2) Tar / nicotine. As you know, cigar smoke travels from the lit end (the foot) down through the body of the cigar, and out the head where you draw smoke with your mouth. As a cigar is smoked, the unburned tobacco will begin to accumulate things like tar, nicotine, and aromas from the smoke. The accumulation of these substances can impact, and even enhance the flavor of the smoke.
3) Heat. As you get near the end of the cigar, the smoke travels a shorter distance, and has less chance to cool before it hits your mouth. That means the average smoke from the final 1/3rd of the cigar will be hotter than the average smoke from the first 1/3rd. Things like temperature can alter taste and texture, even if the flavor components aren't changed (think about how a warm chocolate chip cookie tastes different than a room-temperature cookie, even though they are both the same cookie). This warming effect alters the way you perceive the taste and texture of the smoke.
So, if you end up smoking a cigar all the way down to the nub, you can thank the person that rolled your cigar for blending their tobacco to accommodate for all of these effects. When you get a "finger burner" cigar, remember the name, and buy a few more when you can. Those cigars are true gems once you can find them
as stated above, blending has something to do with it. I feel that blending has way more to do with it than the build up of tar and nicotine. mmmmm cookie....
See a normal conn V. Nub V. a Decade
Normal conn 1st half is the best
Nub Conn whole thing is great
Decade gets better toward the end.
I am thinking that this is totally cigar dependant and each will have its own properties.
Agree with this also.