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Nectar of the Gods????

MVW67MVW67 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,447
So I had set up a little 5 for 5 blind trade to welcome the Noob (NectarCigar) into the trading world. So Sat, I am doing honey do list, being a good boy for once..... So like normal number 2 son borrows tools and never returns them decide to run over to his house 2 blocks away and get what I need. Standing there shooting the bull, hear a boom and #2 says probably left over fireworks, standing there now looking into the direction of my house and see the smoke. And quietly think to self, sh!t all the work I did from list, forget it, wife is going to be pissed! I know before I get there, as I turn corner, look down street yup, no more mailbox. Pull up to drive with best nothing happen attitude, then the wife walks out holding package!! Doesn't say a word and hands me package and walks away, now I know i am screwed. so go to garage becausae that is where I am staying the rest of night and open package!!

Very nice selection of sticks, new sizes I can't wait to try, Get Ready!!!!


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