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This is Bob - Bob is a Racist



  • jthanatosjthanatos Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,563

    I am a union worker and I do not drink the Kool Aid. Not easy being in a union and refusing to be a sheeple. But the constant response of you are a racist anytime you have a differing view of a liberal's is just beyond ridiculous, without merit, and a common tactic they use because their arguments hold no weight. I tend to just mind my own business as long as they aren't trying to make me drink the Kool Aid. And in case anyone here is not intelligent enough to realize this as some liberal family members of mine, Kool Aid is not a reference to race but:

    "Drinking the Kool-Aid" is a metaphor commonly used in the United States and Canada that refers to a person or group's unquestioning belief, argument, or philosophy without critical examination. The phrase typically carries a negative connotation when applied to an individual or group. The basis of the term is a reference to the November 1978 Rev. Jim Jones Jonestown Massacre, where members of the Peoples Temple were said to have committed suicide by drinking Flavor Aid (not actually Kool-Aid) drink laced with cyanide.
    RE: Tolerant Liberals & Zombies; it cuts both ways - I've know far more conservatives who are exactly as depicted. This is what happens to a society when ideoplgy replaces common sense and our ability to talk to one another instead of screaming at each other becase we are supposed to be "enemies".
    Agreed. Vote for ideas and what is right, not "teams".
  • VulchorVulchor Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,176
    Vulture you do have a habit of labeling people. And isn't that at the heart of racisim. It starts with "people from ...........", or your favorite phrase, "people like you". You separate yourself from certain groups because of their supposed stereotypes. Did you guys see Chris Mathews and Eugene Robinson? Calling the Republicans racist for talking about Chicago politics. They actually said that the word "Chicago" was code. These idiots would label a door racist if it was to white for them. Liberals always claim that conservatives do the stuff that they really do.
    Im not labeling, Im making what I consider to be an observation of people based on what I see in the media. Ther are being labeled long before they are seen by me. You are free to your opinion about liberals or conservatives or whatever as I dont see myself as either. I do know that when the decisions of a woman's womb or a voter ID card mean more to a voter than the economy, the military, ect. I take issue with that voters ability to see through the forest for the trees. If thats insulting their intelligence, so be it.
  • JDHJDH Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,107
    Vulture you do have a habit of labeling people. And isn't that at the heart of racisim. It starts with "people from ...........", or your favorite phrase, "people like you". You separate yourself from certain groups because of their supposed stereotypes. Did you guys see Chris Mathews and Eugene Robinson? Calling the Republicans racist for talking about Chicago politics. They actually said that the word "Chicago" was code. These idiots would label a door racist if it was to white for them. Liberals always claim that conservatives do the stuff that they really do.
    Im not labeling, Im making what I consider to be an observation of people based on what I see in the media. Ther are being labeled long before they are seen by me. You are free to your opinion about liberals or conservatives or whatever as I dont see myself as either. I do know that when the decisions of a woman's womb or a voter ID card mean more to a voter than the economy, the military, ect. I take issue with that voters ability to see through the forest for the trees. If thats insulting their intelligence, so be it.
    Racism is believing that one race is superior to another. Conservatives often use the phrase "people like you", too, but that does not make them racist.

    Personally, I believe that there's just one race: the human race.
  • jthanatosjthanatos Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,563
    Vulture you do have a habit of labeling people. And isn't that at the heart of racisim. It starts with "people from ...........", or your favorite phrase, "people like you". You separate yourself from certain groups because of their supposed stereotypes. Did you guys see Chris Mathews and Eugene Robinson? Calling the Republicans racist for talking about Chicago politics. They actually said that the word "Chicago" was code. These idiots would label a door racist if it was to white for them. Liberals always claim that conservatives do the stuff that they really do.
    Im not labeling, Im making what I consider to be an observation of people based on what I see in the media. Ther are being labeled long before they are seen by me. You are free to your opinion about liberals or conservatives or whatever as I dont see myself as either. I do know that when the decisions of a woman's womb or a voter ID card mean more to a voter than the economy, the military, ect. I take issue with that voters ability to see through the forest for the trees. If thats insulting their intelligence, so be it.
    So, since other label them first, it is ok to label them? Frankly, it sounds like you are trying very hard to justify your feelings that everyone would have your values if they were smarter or weren't so misguided. And again, I ask, why are these specific groups the ones who don't have good reasons to dislike policies?
  • VulchorVulchor Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,176
    They can feel free to be any way they want----cling to their god and guns.
  • jthanatosjthanatos Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,563
    They can feel free to be any way they want----cling to their god and guns.
    I starting to think you are just trolling these debates and have no real interest in discussion with those who have different values. Shame.
  • VulchorVulchor Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,176
    Gimme started a break Than. Ive started alot of these threads and if anyone has been attacked of late, or alweays on here, its anyone who doesnt buy into the right win b.s. You or anyone can have any d@mn values you want, it doesnt mean that I have to agree or even grant them any value. I have said nothing about anyone specifically and am just as entitled to my opinion as you are yours. If my comments about closed minded ring wing whack job hits a nerve with you, tough $hit. Just am Im sure you and the others dont give a rats @ss about offending anyone else wuth your jabs at anyone left of your preceived center. I have a big fuc*king interest in these debates, but Im sorry when I find the values you speak of to be such an anthesis of any logic or rational though its kind of hard for me to sit by and say "yes, you re all correct". Same goes for the Jesus thread. I love the topic, but just as I dont expect to change anyones beliefs, its kinda hard for me to accept that a book written thousands of years ago about a guy who walked on water and rose from the dead is the same factually as reading an encyclopedia.
  • jthanatosjthanatos Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,563
    Gimme started a break Than. Ive started alot of these threads and if anyone has been attacked of late, or alweays on here, its anyone who doesnt buy into the right win b.s. You or anyone can have any d@mn values you want, it doesnt mean that I have to agree or even grant them any value. I have said nothing about anyone specifically and am just as entitled to my opinion as you are yours. If my comments about closed minded ring wing whack job hits a nerve with you, tough $hit. Just am Im sure you and the others dont give a rats @ss about offending anyone else wuth your jabs at anyone left of your preceived center. I have a big fuc*king interest in these debates, but Im sorry when I find the values you speak of to be such an anthesis of any logic or rational though its kind of hard for me to sit by and say "yes, you re all correct". Same goes for the Jesus thread. I love the topic, but just as I dont expect to change anyones beliefs, its kinda hard for me to accept that a book written thousands of years ago about a guy who walked on water and rose from the dead is the same factually as reading an encyclopedia.
    Hey friend, simmer down. I have tried, REPEATEDLY, to be civil in all your threads, in all my discussions. I have defended both sides from the extremes and personal attacks. I pretty sure my comments here have shown that, while I lean right, I do not "tow the party line". The issue I have, and this thread has brought to light is when people attack and mock people instead of debating ideas. You talk a lot about reason and debate, but you were the first to label entire demographics. I am not your enemy, as you are not mine. Just because I ask you to clarify a stance doesn't mean I am attacking you... I genuinely want clarification. I will debate ideas, and if you don't believe in Jesus, that is your choice. But, if you are going to think yourself better than me because of it, it isn't worth it to debate you.

    . In summary, if you want civil and interesting debates, you don't get to pick and choose when you are civil. And this goes for both sides. I don't care who started the personal attacks, I don't care if talking heads do it all the time. It helps nothing and makes you look like a stupid childish pr1ck.
  • jsnakejsnake Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,037
    Jake, I have to disagree with you a bit here.
    From Wiki --- The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test is a work of literary journalism by Tom Wolfe, published in 1968. Using techniques from the genre of hysterical realism and pioneering new journalism, the "nonfiction novel" tells the story of Ken Kesey and his band of Merry Pranksters. The book follows the Pranksters across the country driving in a psychedelic painted school bus dubbed "Further" (called "Furthur" in the book due to an initial misspelling on the bus' placard), reaching what they considered to be personal and collective revelations through the use of LSD and other psychedelic drugs. The book also describes the Acid Tests, early performances by The Grateful Dead, and Kesey's exile to Mexico.
    I love reading so I will check this out. I always like learning something new so thanks for sharing that info. When I say drinking Kool Aid I am thinking of the mentioned incident plus those people in California, Heaven's Gate. Just wanted to explain. I was actually appalled that someone thought it was a dig on black people and I told them the should be ashamed for even thinking like that. Thought was never in my head.
  • jsnakejsnake Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,037
    You guys are right. There are extremes on both sides. There are Right Wing Kool Aid drinkers too just as well as the Left. In all of my personal experiences though I would say (not scientific) it seems to me 99% of Liberals I interact with flip out if your view differs. I apparently have no right to have a differing opinion and then the name calling (racist) begins. They can't seem to articulate any real arguments or reasoning for supporting their party. At work it is all, "vote for your job". Then the same union who says Obama is our savior turns around and tells us we better vote yes to the horrible contract they negotiated for us or Obama is going to screw us face down with a PES (Presidential Emergency Board). You can't have it both ways.

    All I am saying is I respect your right to voice your opinion so respect mine. I have had strong disagreements with vulchor and xmacro here but at the end of the day I would love to meet them and smoke a cigar. I usually try not to get too involved in these things because it just gets crazy and so much can be said or can't be said or gets taken out of context or just plain causes my head to hurt thinking about.

    I am not calling those two guys out or saying anything about vulchor's posts here. Just saying we have not seen eye to eye but I still think we can be friends and just agree to disagree.
  • VulchorVulchor Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,176
    makes you look like a stupid childish pr1ck.
    Speaking of chidish. Enough said.
  • VulchorVulchor Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,176
    While I dont agree about 99% of liberals Snake, I do agree with alot of what you said. I honestly believe the left is more willing to discuss ideas, even if opinions wont change. A problem for the right with me is often the religion intersecting the politics which means someone cant bend or compromise on politics without viooating religion----which is a sin. Leaves us in quite a quagmire and I think this may be what infuriates the left more than alot of other things.
  • jthanatosjthanatos Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,563
    makes you look like a stupid childish pr1ck.
    Speaking of chidish. Enough said.
    What? Why are you so sure I am attacking you personally that you ignore my whole post to make a dig at me? That is a general "you", as in all ya'll that go straight to personal insults look like pr1cks, not a singular you. If you are always looking for the worst, you will usually find it.
  • JDHJDH Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,107
    makes you look like a stupid childish pr1ck.
    Speaking of chidish. Enough said.
    What? Why are you so sure I am attacking you personally that you ignore my whole post to make a dig at me? That is a general "you", as in all ya'll that go straight to personal insults look like pr1cks, not a singular you. If you are always looking for the worst, you will usually find it.
    That's the problem with internet discussions - it's very easy to misinterpret what somebody really means. This is conversation without the benefit of vocal inflection - and we often dash off a sentence or two that really should be a lot more in order to fully explain our positions. We all do it, and we are often misunderstood.

    And you're right jthantos, when you go looking for the worst in people, it's very easy to find. Too bad we don't look for the best in us as quickly.
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