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26 U.S. companies pay more to CEO than in taxes



  • fla-gypsyfla-gypsy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,023
    It's worse than I thought. So you would rather the Federal government control everything, right? That sir is by definition Facism, unless of course you believe the government should "own" everything also, then it becomes stupidity!
  • webmostwebmost Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,131
    Capitalism may be fueled by energetic greed, but liberalism is fueled by envy, which is greed without the energy.

    Me? I wish I only paid 13%. If I could, I would. Period. Considering what they do with it, they don't deserve even that much.

  • VulchorVulchor Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,176
    Capitalism may be fueled by energetic greed, but liberalism is fueled by envy, which is greed without the energy.

    Thats a whole lot of biased opinion trying to be disguised as unbiased fact.
  • JDHJDH Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,107
    It's worse than I thought. So you would rather the Federal government control everything, right? That sir is by definition Facism, unless of course you believe the government should "own" everything also, then it becomes stupidity!
    Unortunately, you are misinformed. Benito Moussolini defined Fascism in the "Fascist Manifesto", where he described a "third way" economic model that was neither Communism, or Western Capitalism, and was not based on democratic government. He called for a totalitarian state that decided all matters of production and distribution, including prices and wages, but retained private ownership of production, and allowed for huge profits for all who were subservient to the state. Unions were outlawed, and all production, including consumer goods and services were designed for the benefit of the state, (with the primary focus on military production) not the individual. Individuals were expected to serve the State, not themselves. He discussed the flaws of free-market capitalism extensively, especially as it was practiced in the United States, and he sumarrially rejected our system.

    It is laughable for anyone to refer to our widely un-regulated market based economy as having any similarity to a Fascist model.
  • beatnicbeatnic Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,133
    I am the president and CEO of my small corporation. On December 31, every year, the corporation's checkbook says $0. It pays no taxes on profits. If money is in the account on the 29th, it gets spent on bonuses and expenses. The biggest chunk goes to me, the big, fat, greedy, evil CEO. Whahaha.. And I pay the taxes on the profit. At a very high rate. The reason I do this? If it were left in, it would be taxed immediately, and then again when disbursed the next year. Get it? Twice.
    Claiming that a corporation pays no taxes is pure bunk. The taxes are paid by those receiving the moneys. And may I add, usually at a higher tax rate. These legal accounting maneuvers are done so that the money is not taxed twice. Got a problem with that?

    Whew. Yea, and I know that I didn't build it. LMAO.
  • JDHJDH Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,107
    "...Capitalism may be fueled by energetic greed, but liberalism is fueled by envy, which is greed without the energy. ..."

    You are entitled to your opinion, and you are also entitled to be completely wrong when expressing that opinion. Liberalism is not fueled by envy, as you claim, rather it recognizes the destructive nature of greed, and therefore seeks to diffuse power broadly among the population instead of concentrating it among a very small percentage of the population. History has demonstrated many times before what happens when the wealthy get control of any government, and the results have never been good for the vast majority.

    Greed is not good,it is dangerous and destructive, and it must be restricted, otherwise the power of greed will allow men to destroy other men for purely selfish reasons. Recognizing this, and taking steps to prevent it are not based in envy, it is based in basic Christian morality and ethics.

    I tend to listen more carefully to those who describe what THEY believe instead of defining what others believe, because I take warning from Joseph Goebbles, who said' "Define your enemy and speak for him." Unfortunately, too much of the right wing media is engaged in doing exactly that - defining and speakling for liberals, and just about 99% of the time, I find that they get it wrong.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    I am the president and CEO of my small corporation. On December 31, every year, the corporation's checkbook says $0. It pays no taxes on profits. If money is in the account on the 29th, it gets spent on bonuses and expenses. The biggest chunk goes to me, the big, fat, greedy, evil CEO. Whahaha.. And I pay the taxes on the profit. At a very high rate. The reason I do this? If it were left in, it would be taxed immediately, and then again when disbursed the next year. Get it? Twice.
    Claiming that a corporation pays no taxes is pure bunk. The taxes are paid by those receiving the moneys. And may I add, usually at a higher tax rate. These legal accounting maneuvers are done so that the money is not taxed twice. Got a problem with that?

    Whew. Yea, and I know that I didn't build it. LMAO.
    You just showed your ignorance. Your trying to poke at the president for saying something he didn't say. I'm so very happy for you on your well off-ness too. I don't think anyone has said that every CEO is fat, greedy and evil.

    btw here's the video of the president on what he ACTUALLY said and what has been spin from Romney:


    And most people do not build "their" business on their own because,

    did they go to school, probably public

    Do they drive take a bus, probably

    Did they get govt school loans/grants, probably

    Did they have to get approval from the govt for their biz, probably

    Do they get tax incentives, probably

    even if say a person went to private school, paid for college with no assistance, didn't drive on public roads there still exists other things that the govt provides them. And if they had rich parents more than likely they got that way due to the GI bill for school and their own schooling in grade school and high school. Usually it goes back to help from the public/govt.
  • beatnicbeatnic Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,133
    I am the president and CEO of my small corporation. On December 31, every year, the corporation's checkbook says $0. It pays no taxes on profits. If money is in the account on the 29th, it gets spent on bonuses and expenses. The biggest chunk goes to me, the big, fat, greedy, evil CEO. Whahaha.. And I pay the taxes on the profit. At a very high rate. The reason I do this? If it were left in, it would be taxed immediately, and then again when disbursed the next year. Get it? Twice.
    Claiming that a corporation pays no taxes is pure bunk. The taxes are paid by those receiving the moneys. And may I add, usually at a higher tax rate. These legal accounting maneuvers are done so that the money is not taxed twice. Got a problem with that?

    Whew. Yea, and I know that I didn't build it. LMAO.
    You just showed your ignorance. Your trying to poke at the president for saying something he didn't say. I'm so very happy for you on your well off-ness too. I don't think anyone has said that every CEO is fat, greedy and evil.

    btw here's the video of the president on what he ACTUALLY said and what has been spin from Romney:

    I didn't say I was well off. I wish. I was merely pointing out how my corporation deals with taxes, and your blanketing comments about CEOs and bonuses.
    I know what the man said. I know what he meant to say. And I know why he said it. He does this same thing on so many issues.. He says one thing to rile up his supporters, and then explains it to his critics in another way. And is probably lying to both. Tell me again why all of his financial advisers come from major Wall Street Corporations?
  • beatnicbeatnic Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,133
    I paid taxes to public schools, busfare for buses, a loan from a private bank and paid it back. Did I get approval from the government? HELLO???????????? I didn't know I needed your APPROVAL, or any other man's APPROVAL to run my life the way I see fit. You don't know much about liberty, freedom, or the pursuit of happiness. Tax incentive? The world is backasswards, upside down. It is PC to take tax incentives, but un-PC to try to legally pay less in taxes. You must bow to the government for permission to build your own business, house, etc.? The government did not pay to build those roads. My taxes provided the funding for that. Heck, Walmart has built most of the newer roads lately. You have it all backwards.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    I am the president and CEO of my small corporation. On December 31, every year, the corporation's checkbook says $0. It pays no taxes on profits. If money is in the account on the 29th, it gets spent on bonuses and expenses. The biggest chunk goes to me, the big, fat, greedy, evil CEO. Whahaha.. And I pay the taxes on the profit. At a very high rate. The reason I do this? If it were left in, it would be taxed immediately, and then again when disbursed the next year. Get it? Twice.
    Claiming that a corporation pays no taxes is pure bunk. The taxes are paid by those receiving the moneys. And may I add, usually at a higher tax rate. These legal accounting maneuvers are done so that the money is not taxed twice. Got a problem with that?

    Whew. Yea, and I know that I didn't build it. LMAO.
    You just showed your ignorance. Your trying to poke at the president for saying something he didn't say. I'm so very happy for you on your well off-ness too. I don't think anyone has said that every CEO is fat, greedy and evil.

    btw here's the video of the president on what he ACTUALLY said and what has been spin from Romney:

    I didn't say I was well off. I wish. I was merely pointing out how my corporation deals with taxes, and your blanketing comments about CEOs and bonuses.
    I know what the man said. I know what he meant to say. And I know why he said it. He does this same thing on so many issues.. He says one thing to rile up his supporters, and then explains it to his critics in another way. And is probably lying to both. Tell me again why all of his financial advisers come from major Wall Street Corporations?
    lol, yes I want to know why so many advisers and people in appointed positions come from wall street and other organizations attached to it. Both parties are riddled with it and it does need to stop. However that is the system we have and it needs to be changed before that all goes away.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    I paid taxes to public schools, busfare for buses, a loan from a private bank and paid it back. Did I get approval from the government? HELLO???????????? I didn't know I needed your APPROVAL, or any other man's APPROVAL to run my life the way I see fit. You don't know much about liberty, freedom, or the pursuit of happiness. Tax incentive? The world is backasswards, upside down. It is PC to take tax incentives, but un-PC to try to legally pay less in taxes. You must bow to the government for permission to build your own business, house, etc.? The government did not pay to build those roads. My taxes provided the funding for that. Heck, Walmart has built most of the newer roads lately. You have it all backwards.
    Umm, dude we are the govt! Our taxes pay for our infrastructure and walmart, really? No corporation builds and pays for roads, bridges, or any type of public access. If they do they are heavily subsidized or are strictly for their own purposes which then in turn is not public. U are right things are upside down, but in order to fix it people like you who are all about keeping things the way it is and saying that "I (me complex) did it all on my own, and I deserve more". Our system is riddled with corporate interference, and most of the system is rigged for their favor. Why is it that most of all the great tax breaks are for the super wealthy? Why is it that capital gains is taxed so lowly (under Paul Ryans plan less than 1 percent) when people who actually work at "JOBS" pay much higher? Why do companies get tax breaks for taking their business out of the country and laying off workers here? Why is it that oil companies get large sums of tax breaks and subsidies and other forms of energy that don't use harmful elements are black listed and are always being defunded? You said it, the system is upside down.

    Over the course of the last 3 some years the GOP (and some dems) have stopped any law getting rid of tax give outs to oil companies, reversing the tax breaks for companies shipping jobs over seas, kept building money for infrastructure from getting to districts (high speed rail is an example), is in such favor for tax cuts for everything, wasted millions of dollars on investigations which lead no where, will not look to any type of revenue increase other than cutting services, and that's just a few examples.
  • beatnicbeatnic Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,133
    In the words of Elvis Presley "I did it my way!"

    I see in your bio that you have your own business. How much of that did the government build? Do they get you clients? Make sales calls? Pay for health care? Subsidize your expenses? Pay your insurances? Retirement? I doubt it. But they do confiscate your money and call it taxes.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    lol, yeah they do like their taxes and state. I personally got it all set up and all but I do use public roads, I did get public education and I did have to get a biz licence to do my biz which is handed out by the state. If I wanted to incorporate I would need to fill out papers from the govt to get that status. I do get some kick backs from the govt though such as right offs for driving, eating, my home/place of biz, and anything else that has to do with my biz. So yeah I did not do it all on my own. Though all of the planning and money was mine as I did not get loans or grants. But other aspects were not me alone.
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