LOLLLLLLLLLLLL------The guy is such a tool, this is great.
Pretty sure being a toolbag is a requirement to run for office.
It takes a special sort of sociopath to wander round the country day by day, week by week, year after year, with the same frozen grin across your face day and night, convincing anyone who will listen, in words measured by the inch and conned by rote, that you are Jesus and the other guy is Satan. This is the Achilles heel of democracy, that the demagogue is implicit in it.
Here is that part that partisans miss: Your demagogue is no less a sociopath than the other guy's. His brand of glib may sound like music to your ears, but he doesn't mean a word of it.
You cannot have good government. You can only have less government.
My opinion is that the other choice will eventually take away your choice to smoke cigars because its "bad for you" under Obamacare. That guy is a no choice.
I am a huge wrestling fan...have been my whole life. Still watch WWE weekly. If this is that same for you buddy, or anyone, you have ota check the Ultimate Warrior aka Jim Helrungs personal website. Sadly or ironically, the real person is about is crazy as the character was. It will either make you laugh or a$$ off or at least remain in awe of human absurdity.
Well you see Squirrel, its ok to be like a childs toy----its soft, ,honest, genuine, and 100% American. Not like someone who doesnt belive business owners made their own business....thats a d@mn socialist with a fat head---lol. He was spot on about the business owners not doing it on their own BTW....just like he was about holding on to god and guns. Its a shame weve advanced to a point where honesty is frowned upon in politics huh?
I am a huge wrestling fan...have been my whole life. Still watch WWE weekly. If this is that same for you buddy, or anyone, you have ota check the Ultimate Warrior aka Jim Helrungs personal website. Sadly or ironically, the real person is about is crazy as the character was. It will either make you laugh or a$$ off or at least remain in awe of human absurdity.
Yeah, Jim Hellwig ... who legally changed his name to "Warrior" was never a bastion of sanity, but at some point the tassles cut off blood flow to his brain. I can't find it at the moment, but his 1 hour cspan interview is a rare treat.
Can they be worse than our usual idiot overlords? ....and lasers. Chicks dig lasers.
Here is that part that partisans miss: Your demagogue is no less a sociopath than the other guy's. His brand of glib may sound like music to your ears, but he doesn't mean a word of it.
You cannot have good government. You can only have less government.
too bad he's dead.
i mean, why vote for the LESSER of two evils?