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WTH?!? James40 and JJ, Too!!!

SleevePlzSleevePlz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,408
Okay, this is just insane. I received a package from Rick this morning. It was sent express (?) and wasn't delivered by my normal mail carrier. So I didn't even think to check my mailbox this morning. This just occurred to me, so I took a stroll down my driveway and looked around. My mailbox is gone. Actually, a whole chunk of the curb is missing as well. Left in the crater are a couple of boxes. Apparently Rick has some henchmen. The first one is from JJ. Dude, I didn't see this one coming at all. The cigars look amazing. Thank you very much. Bomb from JJ Bomb from JJ The second box had James40's name on it. He and I have been going back and forth a little bit lately. He and Rick say I need to thank someone else for this hit and left a little hint as to who it is. I'm sure I'll enjoy the pack of TRIDENT white after smoking these great cigars. Bomb from James40 Thanks again to the both of you. I'm really not sure what I have done to deserve the a$$ whoppings that I have received lately, but I must say I am truly humbled by the generosity of all the brothers on here lately. If anyone else feels the need to kick me while I'm down, I beg you. DON'T!!! Bomb someone else. A newb, a vet, anyone but me!


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