I did my research before posting this picture. I know what I think but I think for new(er) guys to the hobby (myself included) may be able to learn from this. I know its not the best picture but here goes. Is it Plume/Bloom or Mold (DOOM). The foot has NO signs of being effected, just the wrapper.
Mold is usually spotty like Joe said. It also doesn't seem to stand off the cigar at all. Also if you had mold that bad you can bet your sweet ass it would be in the foot. Any idea the age on this bad boy?
Take your magnifying glass to the B&M and look at it in the magnifying glass. If it looks hairy, it's mold.
If it looks crystally, it's plume.
plume is a light crystalline haze that covers the entire cigar. it may look dusty but will have no real dimension to it.
plume is some of the essential oils from the cigar that have risen to the surface and crystallized. this takes time and is usually an indicator of uninterrupted age. (sometimes not though but that is a different story) it is not an indicator of how good it will be.