Glad I found this, a lot of good info. Plus, for some reason, I felt kind of guilty for retrohaling an almost every puff. I really just don't get much flavor from the smoke in my mouth.
Glad I found this, a lot of good info. Plus, for some reason, I felt kind of guilty for retrohaling an almost every puff. I really just don't get much flavor from the smoke in my mouth.
To me it depends... Some smokes, retro kind of ruins the flavors and I ahve ot force myself not to. However, Rip is right in that good aged tobacco shoudl have a good retrohale. Aging and quality tobacco is everything. That's how I tell what will benefit from age. For example, the Tres Reyna I had last night had an excellent finish but the retro was a bit harsh. In a year, it will mellow and become that much better.