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PSU NCAA punishment.

Lift603Lift603 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 253
With the freeh report just being announced to the public it surely will trigger NCAA investigation. I was wondering what everyone thinks is going to happen to the football program at PSU because of this/what a fair punishment from the NCAA will be.


  • VulchorVulchor Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,176
    The people who knew should be punished. But as Sandusky is in jail, Paterno is dead, some board members are out the door----kinda tough. Anyone named in the report should be out, anyone on the adminsitration of football staff who knew anything should be out. Other than this, I dont think anything. Why penalize the new staff and new kids playing ball because of the fault of these old white f*ck up's who cared for about a game more than they did children's lives

    As a aside note, I think Sanduskys wife shoudl be tried for something. You didnt know your husband was raping kids in your house for years???? Bu!!sh!t
  • jeep edsonjeep edson Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 826
    the way the ncaa raped some other programs i don't think it looks good
  • Lift603Lift603 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 253
    jeep edson:
    the way the ncaa raped some other programs i don't think it looks good
    The NCAA "law" states you have to follow ethical procedures and the way PSU staff handled this from the coaches to athletic directors is without a doubt unethical. I wouldn't be suprised if they went as far as eliminating the football team. I agree his wife had to know something was going on.
  • scarlinscarlin Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,592
    I feel so sorry for JoePa. If I was the NCAA I wouldn't touch it because there is so little they can go on based on past incidents at other schools. I've heard NCAA lawyers say that so I am assuming its true, plus how do you punish people who are no longer there? IF anything punishment should come down on trustees and no one else since this all happened under their nose.
  • VulchorVulchor Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,176
    JoePa was an old man who wanted to hang onto power no mater the cost. He could not longer run a football team, and he wasnt man enough to step down. NOW----on the human side....he's been found to be a liar, a criminal, a lousy guy, and someone who put a school and football ahead of the interest of kids getting raped. He will get his credit for wins on the field, however...... Feel bad for JoePa's legacy? Naaa.
  • JGKAMINJGKAMIN Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 92
    Feel sorry for Joepa???? He was the mastermind behind the huge cover-up that lead to so many victims all in the pursuit of a freaking record for wins. He ran that State College Mafia like little Carlo Gambino, nothing happened in that town without him having knowledge or a hand in it. The other Three Stooges are going to jail and as awkward as it would be Joepa would be too if he were still around.
  • blurrblurr Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 962
    I agree, I don't feel sorry in the least for Joepa and I'm a psu alum. Went to a smaller branch campus but still. The only ones I feel sorry for are the youth who were allowed to be molested while mafioso Paterno focused on his "record". Funny how the legacy he leaves behind is going to be as aiding & abetting a child molester.
  • JGKAMINJGKAMIN Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 92
    And I just wish the family (Jay & Scott etc...) would quit bringing these statements already like the letter supposedly written by Joe prior to his death. They had since 1998 to make a statement, we don't need any now.

    And over the years the PSU faithful always thumped their chests about doing things right with dignity and honor. Always ridiculing the other programs like Miami-Fla,USC, Notre Dame and recently Ohio State. They wanted to see Ohio State burn in the worst way. Tattoos? Child molesting? Yet nowtgey step back and want to distance the scandal from the program....really? It most certainly is a Penn State University and a PSU Football problem. Quit blaming ESPN, the Harrisburg Patriot-News and now Mr. Freeh for bringing out facts.
  • RCY CigarsRCY Cigars Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,346
    It's a shameful mess that Mr. Joe ignored to catch a record. That's what a lot of the Alumni are going to miss becsause they can only see his legacy as a football coach. It is hard to phantom the thought of Mr. Joe doing that. Because of his respectability in the town, university and his football team. It's understandable from a die hard fan point of view. But the question to ask the fan is this. How would you feel if your child was one of those kids? Mind you, those kids, parents and friends were fans of The University, Mr. Joe and the football team before all this. I do not know what the NCAA will do. But I do believe it will be historic based on other rulings they have done with other schools with terrible endings.
  • Lift603Lift603 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 253
    I am interested to see how the NCAA cracks down on PSU. I wonder if they will take down Joe's statue (I could see PSU doing it to rid themselves from any involvement of the football program/athletic program) Thoughts?
  • VulchorVulchor Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,176
    Again, I think I made my point erlier, but Ill say it this way. JoaPa is wrong. His statue should be taken down, his namd should be mud, ect. EVERYONE who was involved in any of this from Sandusky, to JoePa, to a lunch lady who may have overheard something should be fired or arrested. THIS SAID, I dont get why the NCAA (and this go's for other issues too) wants to go after people who had NOTHING to do with any of the abuse, the cover-up, ect...or the kids who love the institution but hate the actions. If the same regime was there, or if it was like Ohio St. where the same people were still in place----sure. But if all the "players" are out the door and Penn State is trying to do the right thing, that seems like enough for me. If even one person who knew anything is allowed to remain however (including alumni and boosters---who give the $ dont forget) the program should be nevermore because there is no true guilty or accountability.
  • JGKAMINJGKAMIN Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 92
    I agree 100% with you. The cast of characters are all long gone, and the NCAA should spend that time looking into things related to eligibility and competitive balance throughout the NCAA and leave these guys alone.
  • LukoLuko Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,004
    Unrelated to the NCAA question at hand...Joe Paterno spent his life doing everything the right way. He mentored thousands of young men and students, he contributed greatly to the improvement of his university, built an amazing college football program, donated millions to higher education, etc. He destroyed it all in one fell swoop. There is no greater crime than a crime against a child, or in failing to stop a crime against a child.

    I've always been a Penn State fan and was an even bigger Penn State fan.

    Shame on him.
  • scarlinscarlin Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,592
    Anyone here read the Freeh report? I just read over it and while JoePa takes most of the blame on ESPN and other major networks he doesn't seem at all the most to blame in the report. After reading it in my opinion it seems that Spanier and Curley are most to blame, then Schultz, then JoePa/Mcqueary. The report indicates that JoePa tried to get JS into a rehab and did not fully believe he actually did stuff to the extent he did. I encourage you guys to read it.
  • y2pascoey2pascoe Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,707
    I am interested to see how the NCAA cracks down on PSU. I wonder if they will take down Joe's statue (I could see PSU doing it to rid themselves from any involvement of the football program/athletic program) Thoughts?
    They should keep the statue there and paint it yellow.
  • VulchorVulchor Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,176
    Sandusky is where he should be. Paterno is dead and she should be seen as a criminal and his statue rightfully taken down. His wins (his alone) should be taken away. Other people who knew and kept quiet should be tried in court------all this said------

    This punsihment is too much, for no reason, and just a way to appease the masses sceaming for some kind of blood or revenge...whatever the kind. Make the people involved pay, make the football team proceeds go to the victims or charity----but to penalize now and into the future? The kids were still raped, Paterno is still dead, AND hundrends of people being paid minimum wage to sell hot dogs are without a job because of an abuse of power by the elite. Another instance of the Average Joe (pardon the pun) getting screwed because of the actions of someone with more money and power. But I digress.
  • beatnicbeatnic Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,133
    It seems the NCAA and the NFL have more power than a judge these days.
  • MarkerMarker Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,524
    Remove wins because of a crime done by a coach that wasn't even coaching half of those years (Sandusky). They removed wins from hard working college students and a hundred other staffers etc because they want to send a message. I think the 60million does that. That is 60,000,000. I mean really. They are taking away more money than ever seen levied against any other college by exponential values.

    This is a travesty on both sides now. Before it was just a select group of PSU staff that were wrong in their own ways. Now the NCAA decided to be criminals. Perfect. Like someone hitting you with a rock in a playground fight so you tear the slide out of the ground and hit the other kid with it until he is dead. Typical NCAA. If you don't overreact, you are not reacting.

    Try the other negligent people in a court of law. Where they should be tried. As accessories to many felony acts. Let them burn in prison like they should. Instead you burn the whole village and the families in them. The NCAA has been reading too many Mongolian history books.
  • webmostwebmost Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,131
    The NCAA needs to get out of the punishment business. They always punish the wrong people. Now PSU students will have to come up with 60 mil to pay for misdeeds they had nothing to do with, while PSU athletes will be banned from competition for misdeeds they had nothing to do with. It's always like this when the NCAA sticks its oar in. The NCAA needs to let the courts take care of it and get out of the punishment business.

  • VulchorVulchor Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,176
    Innocent students=Genghis Khan!!.......Your right Marker, it's a shame and a sham..........Right on target als Web. Its all about public opinion with no thought for people who had NOTHING to do with story or to deal with incident.
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