How about YOU take one for the team and try one? LOL. I love the Short Story, probably my all around favorite cigar, all things considered (with added weight on price and availability). A little curious about the replicas, even as just a cheap, remotely close alternative for the golf course or backyard.
On one hand, I feel that if they could be so easily replicated, others would have done so by now. On the other, I've seen reviews on the other 'replica' cigars, and most say they're good in their own right, albeit not always replicating what they're advertised as doing.
I don't think ccom has gotten any yet. They are on the site, but not in stock yet. So I don't think anyone would have tried them unless some of the staff have had some pre-released ones.
I'll give that a +1/2. I've had the Little Monsters pre-ordered for a while now, most everywhere else has gotten them in and shipped them out. Every update I get is "They're on the docks!" Can we get a realistic ETA?