Just finished a bowl of Mcclelland Dominican Glory Maduro. I've been smoking this for about a year and love it! Unlike cigars the maduro leaf is subtle, whereas with cigars it seems to take center stage. If smoked slowly it tastes naturally sweet, a tad citrusy and pretty rich. I always have a tin of it.
Threads like these are gonna bankrupt me soon. I've heard nothing but good things about Frog Morton, and now Jetmech entices me with his McClelland Maduro. Damn, gonna have to make a few purchases now
I would have never thought that pipe tobacco comes in so many configurations. All I ever seen growing up was the ribbon cut. This stuff just gets more interesting all the time.
is that a "full" order? lord knows it looks like a big'n (that's totally what she said)
This is not a full pound at least it does not have the look of it. A full order is coiled and has a nail driven through it.
Interesting. That was a 4 oz order. Going for a 1/2 kilo next time though.
Be careful, this stuff will really ghost a pipe. If you are going that big it might be a good idea to have a pipe or 2 dedicated to just the ropes. They seem to have similar properties (e.g., Sam Gawith #4).
good to know, I'll get a "knock around" pipe when I order some of that stuff (hopefully) in a week n a half