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BLACK SPOT - The Legend Continues

oldsoulrevivaloldsoulrevival Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 630
Ahoy mateys, scallywags, and swashbucklers! Ye captain has had a treacherous few months, filled with horrors the likes of which no man would dare speak of. Unbearable work and voyages to yon distant lands caused me to to slack on the responsibilities required by ye damned souls! And so, here we are, back from the grave, and more dangerous than before. If ye missed out on the first round, I recommend you get in on this one - blood will be shed in the moonlight!

I will keep the name list from the round I never started, and if you do not want to be a part of it, just let me know and I will remove you immediately!

How it works:

- One person will send out a most horrible letter, along with ONE "LAST MEAL" cigar to a deserving victim, marked for death.

- He who receives the letter has 48 hours (or till Monday, if it arrives on the weekend) to send a peace offering to the person who sent him/her the spot.

- Once the package has been sent, his death sentence is cleared.

- He/she then sends the letter to another victim who sends back a peace offering and so on and so forth.


1) There is ONLY ONE letter - I am making a new one for the this round.

2a) When you get the letter, you must take a picture of the letter and "last meal" cigar, and post it so we know who has been sentenced to death.

2b) You must post the shipping number of your peace offering within 48 hours (or by monday night), so that we might all forgive you.

3) There is a minimum sacrifice of 6 sticks.

4) You must be on the good traders list, or have an "okay" from several top posters who verify your awesomeness

5) The letter must be sent to everyone once - don't send it to someone who's already had it.

6) You can only sentence someone to death if they are on the players list.
Players List:






Ken Light










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