Got my fuel in today. Xicar Butane.... Bled the lighter, filled her up (the lighter), and then fired it up.... this is the craptacular mess I am dealing with. Why is this happening.... NO TORCH.... Its like a $60 bic! I followed the directions to the T.
Not normal?
What kind of Xikar lighter is that anyway?
I thought the same and asked my wife, who bought it for me. She went back to the site and receipt and its SUPPOSED to be a torch.
That would explain the strange borealis-type light show I noticed earlier!
Anyone know a good roofer?
Yea... Im done. Off to the local Xicar dealer tomorrow. I will trade it for the Liga. I guess the 101 isnt being produced anymore.
How come everyone else gets the cool stuff? ROFL!!
that flame is WAY better than a bic (your original photo)
its windproof.
your Bic isnt that.