Thank you!
Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 135
Thank you so very much Big Brother Dan!
Dan had decided that since Brett and I are on our way to financial and living freely once again he bombed Brett and I with a set of Two 5 stick samplers. You are very kind Dan and thank you very much!
Dan had decided that since Brett and I are on our way to financial and living freely once again he bombed Brett and I with a set of Two 5 stick samplers. You are very kind Dan and thank you very much!
Aww shucks, ma'am. Twernt nothing y'all didn't deserve. I'm thrilled that you like them and have already told Brett that my only request is for you both to enjoy them. Congrats on everything and you are most welcome!
BTW, did Brett mention he spoke to India today? She asked 1000 questions after he had to hang up. Lol!!
BWAHAHAHAHA!!! Sounds about right for him...
I would like to make a motion that anytime from henceforth when AJ OR 90+ is bombed, it should be with two sticks of whatever is sent - you know, to feed the "I Love You..." review thread! :-)
Thanks, Sniper! I second the motion! All in favor?