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Jetmech_63Jetmech_63 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,384
Forgive me, it's 0500 in the morning, i cant sleep and am almost out of beer. But i got something to get off my chest.

Ressurection of christ...holiday... ok i get it but how in the name of Captain Morgan's Butthole! Did we get a gigantic effin bunny hiding his eggs all over hells half acre......from the ressurection of christ....the basis of christianity....bunny......bunny.....jesus....Will someone Puhleeeeze make the connection for me! If were pulling random sh!t on holidays why not on cinco de mayo(which is another bs holiday) doesnt Fairy Friggin Fidel come and deliver us cigars under our pillows? Thats a little more believable. Its like that for all the holidays if you think about it. Thanksgiving, oh this crock-o-crap...native americans sharing their bounty so the early settlers wouldnt go hungry over the winter. What a more fitting way to say thank you then to kick their ass from virginia to CA, give em a bottle of jack and a tax shelter...er...reservation where they can honor their heritage by buidling casinos and resorts. Cuz god knows nothing says native american heritage like mini-baccarat. Dont even get me started on christmas....


  • bbc020bbc020 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,422
    alright....lewis black is in the house!
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    lol, I think the bunny is cute but I do think the holiday is just another retailer thing. But kids like it.
  • Vince OVince O Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 279
    it was an old german custom to decorate eggs for the children as a sign of REBIRTH or Spring, it has nothing to do with Christ, ..... or maybe it has a lot to do with him, Spring, Rebirth.......a lot of the old pagen holidays are rolled into todays Christian holidays, the winter solstice & Christmas have nothing in common with Santa , just like the Easter bunny I have a good friend who is Jewish & every Christmas he sings "OH What a friend we have with Jesus" as he is sitting on the beach in Miami counting his cash ..... Enjoy, Vince
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    Vince O:
    it was an old german custom to decorate eggs for the children as a sign of REBIRTH or Spring, it has nothing to do with Christ, ..... or maybe it has a lot to do with him, Spring, Rebirth.......a lot of the old pagen holidays are rolled into todays Christian holidays, the winter solstice & Christmas have nothing in common with Santa , just like the Easter bunny I have a good friend who is Jewish & every Christmas he sings "OH What a friend we have with Jesus" as he is sitting on the beach in Miami counting his cash ..... Enjoy, Vince
    ha, especially that last part
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,132
    No no no, you guys have it all wrong, when the news of Jesus returning spread throughout the land Bo Pilgram said OH SH*T HIDE THE EGGS! ...chirp chirp... Anyone? Ok thats a load of crap, I have no idea either and I've always wondered the same thing.
  • Rob1110Rob1110 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,454
    Vince had it right. Basically when Christianity was taking over, they held their swords to the Pagan's throats and said "Convert or die! If you convert, we'll let you keep your eggs." OK, so it wasn't exactly like that, but in order to make the transition a little easier on the Pagans they rolled many of their holidays and symbols into Christianity - hence easter eggs - nothing to do with the resurrection of Christ, but a Pagan symbol of fertility. Even Easter's exact date (which doesn't exist - if we're celebrating Christ's return, shouldn't it be consistent with a specific date?) coincides with spring equinox - a Pagan holiday celebrating fertility of both man and the earth (when we do all of our planting/seeding for the summer season and fall harvest).
  • havanaalhavanaal Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 150
    All I know is....I don't have to work today so it"s a glorious day. (and a good day for a smoke)
  • rusiriusrusirius Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 564
    Vince had it right. Basically when Christianity was taking over, they held their swords to the Pagan's throats and said "Convert or die! If you convert, we'll let you keep your eggs." OK, so it wasn't exactly like that, but in order to make the transition a little easier on the Pagans they rolled many of their holidays and symbols into Christianity - hence easter eggs - nothing to do with the resurrection of Christ, but a Pagan symbol of fertility. Even Easter's exact date (which doesn't exist - if we're celebrating Christ's return, shouldn't it be consistent with a specific date?) coincides with spring equinox - a Pagan holiday celebrating fertility of both man and the earth (when we do all of our planting/seeding for the summer season and fall harvest).
    Exactly... Without the chance of getting into a religious debate the fact of the matter is most of the "Christian" holidays aren't Christian at all, but rather (I know I know, I'm gonna catch hell saying this) STOLEN pagen holidays.

    Why? Essentially what Rob said... Not so much to "ease" the pagan transistion, but as I understand it as more of a way of "seeming" to have followers who might not have been... By having the Christian holidays coincide with Pagan holidays the Christians could say, "Ohh look, they're all celebrating our holiday"... ;)
  • rdnstnrdnstn Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 991
    These are the exact things I was going to say about the Christian holidays were made tocoincide with the Pagan holidays. Just like Jesus was probably born during the summer if shepherds were out with their flocks like the bible says because they would not have been in the fields in the winter. Likewise a census wouldn't have been conducted during the winter due to the modes of transportation so Mary and Joseph probably wouldn't have traveled to Bethlehem in the winter.
  • jihiggsjihiggs Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 468
    regarding the christmas part.. the wise men coming to give gifts to baby jesus did not happen till I think about 4 years after jesus was born. as for the time of year, im really not sure, the bible doesnt really speicify. the census request may have been for spring time, but since mary was very preggers when the heard about it, they probly wanted to get there before they had a newborn out on a dangerous trail. just some thoughts.
  • 3 Stripes3 Stripes Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 25
    Has no one seen the southpark episode that explains all of this. St. Peter was a rabit.
  • benskibenski Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 20
    Jesus is Santa Claus for grown-ups.
  • Dude LoveDude Love Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 315
    All I know is that I'm up to my elbows in Cadbury Eggs...life is good.
  • LowSparkLowSpark Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 12
    Easter is celebrated on the Sunday after the Passover since Christ came to town on a donkey and they laid the palm branches in the road to celebrate his coming.  Then 6 days later he is put on a cross to die and on the third day (sunday)he rose.  So it is celebrated to line up with the Jewish holiday of passover instead of a exact day since that would be almost impossible to guess.
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