When you find out, you will be glad you did! Shame the wait is until July 5, 2012 and not May 7, 2012!
If only they told dates like Canadians.
very true, but for some reason I was fortunate to try them on 2x on 3 may 2012, 3x on 4 may 2012 (b4 you get cross, I was walking around outside with the shirt promoting them, smoking the project so the BOTLS in line waiting could see, build the hype, etc), and sadly only 1x on 5 may 2012...all hail the great swede...he doth provide
won't get cross...I'm glad I got to smoke 2 of them, 1 on thursday and 1 on Friday. They're great sticks, and Ramon is an Awesome Guy! I wore the shirt all day Saturday pointing people towards his booth! Will post pics soon!
Alex SvensonBlogAdministrator, Everyone, ForumsAdministrator, Moderator, Owners, Registered UsersPosts: 1,204
Yes Ramon brought extra to the fest which is why we had extras to hand out to some of the folks that were there and helping by wearing the shirts and stickers. There are still some extras with the pre release bands that he left with me for "safe keeping" since he couldnt fly them home. I think "safe keeping" should actually mean contact Tim or your consultant and we open it up to 5 packs. I will let our team know they are okay to sell. I just need to check with Ramon to figure out how much I need to pay him for them.
Great photo.
Looking forward to trying his smokes, they looks great. I want a shirt that says "Who is over Ramon's right shoulder?"