Noob Suggestion List
Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,634
in Cigar 101
Having been on this forum for the last few days, I had a thought hit me. And I apologize in advance if it has been done before, I just hadn't seen it. We should have a suggestion list started for people new to the cigar world that would allow them to find their likes and dislikes easier. I have already learned a ton just from lurking around the forums, but it seems apparent, that many people (including myself) make the mistake of going for not so good cigars according to price. I know that everyone has their own idea of a good cigar, but to offer suggestions to new people that would allow them to find their niche a little easier would be great. I think a list of suggestions that would allow for a quicker exploration would keep new people around cigars longer and help add to what I consider a great brotherhood.
Good advise. When I started I felt that I had to have every good deal that came along. I ended up with A lot of cigars that I didn't really enjoy.
When I first got into smoking cigars during the summer of 2010, I was looking for a list of things to try. I also bought a ton of sticks that I saw on the Daily Deal and Weekend Blitz. BAD IDEA on my part. I ended up with a bunch of sticks I didn't like or would never smoke
What I ended up doing was reading through a TON of reviews, reading the CCOM catalog that came in the mail, reading the descriptions of the cigars online and ordering the CCOM house sampler. The sampler helped me pin point what I might like and dislike from the flavor profiles and go from there.
From there I was able to find what I liked and disliked. Now, is it the same for everyone? NO! Did this work for me? YES! Eventually we just all find our nitch and love what we love.
I would suggest for newbies: read the reviews, read the cigar descriptions, order a sampler or two, then call into to CCOM and talk to a rep. Let them know what you like, so fa, and tey could put together a sampler that fits your flavor profile.
Again, that is my 2 cents worth (from a guy drinking vodka)!!!