My first C.Com purchase
Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 219
Hey all, I made my first purchase, today I purchased the email advertised Gurkah Park Avenues, and I made sure I connected with the check out bonus, can't remember what it is at this time. Anywhoo, I can't wait to get these. Just had to share this pleasant experience with you guys!
lol, I'm in the same boat as you, man. However, I've found that if you have just one stick a week, it's a completely affordable hobby. You end up smoking better-quality cigars that way, too.
Interesting you should mention that. The NIH (National Institutes of Health) data is spotty and incomplete (doesn't keep them from making sweeping conclusions, however). The largest problem with their data set is that the lowest use category is 1-2 cigars per day (as a single category). They have categories up to 5+/day. How 1-2 cigars a day are defined is never discussed - 2 coronas? 2 Churchills? Obviously some noise is added to the data due to their failure to take into account the literal amount of tobacco consumed.
There DOES seem to be a consensus that lung cancer rates are almost nil in cigar smokers (until you get into the 5+ range, but hey, at that point, you obviously just don't give a s*!t anymore). They use the term "relative risk" (a multiplier of non-smoker risk) which you don't see in any serious descriptions of data anywhere else - in order to really understand research results, you need not just the average, but also the standard deviation (the average distance of a data-point from the mean).
At the 1-2 cigar/day level, the only strikingly high "relative risk" is for Larynx cancer, at about 6, or 6 times the nonsmoker rate, which is 0.37% over the course of one's lifetime - so this group has a lifetime risk of 6 x 0.37% = 2.22%. In other words, roughly 1 in 50 cigar smokers who consume 1-2 cigars a day will eventually end up with an electronic voicebox. As for once a week? There's no data for levels that low - the NIH states a tacit assumption that once-a-week cigar smokers will eventually creep up to multiple-a-day consumption because nicotine is nicotine, dang it, and they're simply addicts in denial like everyone else *rolls eyes*. It would be safe to say that risk levels for once-a-week smokers is lower, much lower - but still higher than nonsmokers. The rate-growth for oral and lip cancers is much milder.
Now, any greater risk of cancer is bad, and you don't want to be that guy represented by the difference between 0.37% and, say, 0.5%. But to me, at least, that's a reasonable risk to take. I'm sure, personally, my obscene addiction to caffeine will kill me long before a stick a week. I'd also like to point out that the lifetime risk of prostate cancer for any man is nearly 10%, to put things into perspective.
1) non smokers
2) pipe smokers
3)Cigarette smokers
4) Cigar smokers
the study was of life span. from shortest to longest life span:
1) cigarette smokers
2) Non smokers
3) cigar smokers
4) pipe smokers
there was only speculation on why this was true. the leading theory is that cigars and pipes force you to sit down and relax for a bit. this relaxation is fairly uncommon in non smokers. relaxation is good for the mind and the body.
but i guess this is all useless because i cant find the link....